
Day 22

Life is a bizarre phenomenon, one moment one day we are radiating joy and ultimate optimism and the other we experience something distressing and the paradigm of life starts to vary. I hope to find a formula so that life can remain constant and be just as it is . But change is inevitable and so as the anticipation or fear of unknown and new. Today has been wonderful I had an early start; especially the winter morning was simply splendid. All chores were completed in due time, particularly exercise which takes mental willingness and energy more than the physical energy. Its almost midnight and I now plan to get my sleep and I pray to greet the coming days with similar zest and zeal not only for myself but for everyone around me. Until tomorrow… Sonya.

Day 21

How wonderful it is to talk to friends. Friends- they always give us pleasure and a sense of comfort and security. I sheepishly feel proud of myself that I have exquisite taste in human beings and inherent gift to develop nurturing relationships with my friends. It’s a blessing. Today I feel better though not completely out of the effects of the catastrophe of yesterday, a suicide attack followed by putting on fire several hundreds of thousands of shops and businesses in Karachi. It gets frightening in Karachi when huge scale devastations occur as the ripple effect to one main incident. Nowhere else it is seen in the country where atrocious crime like a blast takes place that immediately the entire city starts to burn and comes to an abrupt terrifying halt. Many have lost their lives, even worse to know that so many families have lost 2 or more members, their loved ones, in an instant. But there is a consolation to know that all who lost their lives though suffered unimaginable pain

Day 20

25th and 27th December holds very special spot in my heart, these are the birth dates of not only a great man called Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who with the grace of God made possible for us Pakistanis to have this beautiful and magnificent country brimful with natural resources, perfect 4 seasons, gems and so on; where we can exist in freedom. How far as a nation are we successful to realize our founder’s dream and the hundreds of thousands of unnamed heroes who sacrificed their lives to give us, their future generations a gift of independence; is debatable. But I think what is required from each one of us is to have a vision intention and the absolute willingness to see prosperity, education, safety, health and freedom of expression blossoming in Pakistan. All that is required from us is to sincerely and honestly carry out our functions in whatever capacity they are assigned to us , be it of a politician, a doctor, a technician, lawyer, teacher, student or a parent. Then 25

Day 19

Faces, many faces that came and went from my life, some of them made guest appearances while others decided to stay for the long haul. In the solitude and stillness of night when everyone is asleep and the road outside my home have swathed itself with the drapes of quietude. I cannot but cease to think of all the people that I ever had the opportunity to be with, some being my childhood pals, others from school/ college/ university and many others that I have worked with. Time is a fantastic sieve of relationships and has an amazing characteristic of filtering people from and into our lives. For some reason we possess a tendency to forget some faces and remember others while some leave indelible mark on our minds. I cannot rationalize this theory but we do become subconsciously connected with some individuals. They teach us a lot about our self, mostly unintentionally; they prove to be beneficial for our existence, they become our Buddha experience. It’s as if they are assigned the

Day 18

A long day indeed; then later in the evening there was sorting of my clothes and organizing my cupboards. I surprised myself when I found that some of the clothes that I wear today are from times of my school mostly from Class 9th. The best thing of it all is that everything still fits with few exceptions though. I have proved myself to be a frugal, a really moderate spender. Academics have never been on my list of priorities but with how thing are moving, I am confident that 2010 shall be the year where I would become a catalyst in broadening my professional expertise and exploring much diverse avenues, InshaAllah… With new hopes & aspirations….. Sonya.

Day 17

Media has become a circus where all clowns and performers are performing their acts. Nobility, decency and taking responsibility for our actions is almost extinct. It is an established verity that until a verdict is announced no individual can be termed as either guilty or innocent, but in times like these questions regarding our moral obligation are inevitable. It is unfortunate to observe that save for the Courts the NRO stricken dignitaries in Pakistan are defending their case everywhere. Dignified modus operandi should be followed instead of turning something as grave as the future of a nation into a monkey business. No one seems to follow the reasonable course and rather than defending their position with sheer forbearance, they are similar to small children playing together and if you catch one of them in midst of any mischievous activity, the child having no other option either throws a tantrum or even easier, implicates all his friends. There are always very simple solutions

Day 16

Emptiness… where does it lead, what it does? I have no clue. Yes that’s very true today I’m empty of thoughts, feelings and ideas. May be its because I have spewed my thoughts yesterday. I do, however believe that it sounded a bit melancholic and it’s not prudent to speak aloud whatever is going in our mind. But at times one does get sensitive. Sunday has been full of activity mainly due to fixing of all the doors in the house. Luckily we had some really professional carpenters who did everything just as Amma planned. I didn’t have much to contribute so I stayed within constraints of my own world. It is always to delightful to find something that you have desired so intensely, likewise I believe my search for an institute to learn guitar is finally reaching end, after sifting very few available options I have found one place where I would be able to learn music. Although I haven’t discovered my talent yet but the urge to learn is imbedded deep inside. I have faith that with convic