
Day 53

It is fulfilling when days are spent in doing something, not just being busy but productive. Although I didn’t sculpt David yet if I am able to enjoy the fruits of my effort and hard-work then nothing is more creative than that. By the end of the day I got beautifully tired and to write in drowsiness is never a good idea. We make certain decisions that we might not like but due pressing circumstances such choices become inevitable. At times I have also taken some decisions that I am/was not comfortable with, ones feels rather insensitive but then certain situations compel us to behave callously. After all, prevention is always better than cure. I got excited when the Blogspot people finally introduced new templates, they are all fresh and hip plus there is a huge variety to choose from. It was absolutely dull to keep on writing on the same ole same ole backgrounds. At first I opted for an abstract theme but then it turned out to be too bizarre for me and Amma thought it looked like

Day 52

Sham is far more dazzling than authenticity. Shah Rukh Khan was once asked about the on-camera chemistry he shares with Kajol when they are only good friends while the same chemistry lacks in Kajol-Ajay duo who are a real life couple. He replied simply that, camera is incapable of capturing the truth but what it could capture is pure acting . People like camera are only able to see the allure of pretence, alas! There are those who love a good mystery and if there isn’t any they would happily create one. Playing around with ideas, concocting stories and characters; a mere notion then transforms itself into a distorted fact, a fictional reality that would ultimately convulse the truth. But what about genuine mysteries, the unknown workings of some phenomena should we try to solve them or let them be just the way they are, unsolved . Earlier there used to be an urge in me to know everything, to have answers; however, now I don’t allow myself to find or know everything. Through our effor


23 March- PAKISTAN RESOLUTION DAY 23rd March of 1940 a milestone in the struggle of all the Progenitors and great leaders to achieve an independent country, Pakistan. The Lahore Resolution or Qarardad-e-Lahore , popularly known as the Pakistan Resolution or Qarardad-e-Pakistan , was presented by A. K. Fazlul Huq and was the formal political statement adopted by the Muslim League at the occasion of its three-day general session on 22–24 March 1940 that called for greater Muslim autonomy in British India, held at Manto Park (now Iqbal Park), Lahore. The Lahore Resolution had been largely interpreted as the demand for a separate Muslim state. Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan, the then Chief Minister of the Punjab, drafted the original Lahore Resolution. The Resolution was placed before the Subject Committee of the All India Muslim League for discussion and amendments. The Resolution text unanimously rejected the concept of a United India on the grounds of growing inter-communal violence and re

Following my Gut Feeling

VoilĂ ! 50th DAY, MashaAllah, Golden Jubilee of our Blog…… I have learned something quite interesting today. I decided to go somewhere but instinctively I was 85% uncertain, so I prayed to get to some direction. As I called-up to confirm the timing the person on the other side changed the time from what was agreed upon earlier. As soon as I heard that I immediately cancelled the entire plan. At first, I wasn’t pleased with the change but then within few minutes I recognized that this is my answer , my direction . So if after deciding to do something or to meet someone or anything else simply observe carefully for all the little signs. If all goes smoothly and movement from point A to B and from B to Z is effortless and natural then you are on the right track, don’t look back just keep on walking. Of course, I could have easily bullied with my instincts but after knowing a little bit I don’t think it is wise on my part to interfere with the God’s procedure. Oh no, not me Sir. If what

Being Grateful

How wonderful it is to meet loved ones is beyond expression. Years pass by, time changes us physically but few things like love and compassion remains constant. It is supposed to be spring in Karachi but the humidity and heat today could give hottest summer a tough competition, and above all the peekaboo with electricity is adding to our delight. We have the pleasure of having electricity in our little dwellings for 10 hours per day. Waking up in the midst of deep sleep without electricity and then pulling heavy strings of the generators is not something we all are keen on having in our lives. But Sonya Syed you should be grateful for being able to buy a generator, You should be grateful for having hands to pull those heavy strings, You should be grateful that you got the domestic help to pull those strenuous cords and make your life comfortable, You should be grateful for your eyes, for your feet so you could walk to the generator, You should be grateful that you have a house wh

Our Youth, Nostalgia & Doubts

It is tremendously heartening to see the fondness of younger lot for their country, in particular of the teenagers residing abroad. It is ecstatic and such a delight to witness their excitement and joy for their visit to their motherland. Majority of those children never encountered load shedding or broken roads or pollution but when they arrive in Pakistan all shortcomings seem to take a backseat. I sincerely pray that this beautiful country of ours becomes peaceful and prosperous. The love and possessiveness that one could experience when it comes to the country is overwhelming, what is the force behind these intense emotions, I wonder. Nostalgia is the most difficult state of mind for me to get into; I often get embarrassed and feel artificial during my conversations with my friends or colleagues or some other acquaintances about the experiences we shared in our past. Whether it is the school time or university level or work I observe that everybody gets deeply emotionally engrosse

Learning from Mistakes

Not learning from one’s mistake is the perfect recipe of further disasters. Once the vicious cycles begins there is hardly anything left to do. Someone once told me that t here are two kinds of people: one who learn from the mistakes of others and the second type, consist of those who had to make mistakes themselves so they could learn their lesson. The latter is not a very wise option though . Had an interesting day but somnolence has indelible quality to make the brain sluggish and expression becomes somewhat subdued. And there is a desire to get to the comforts of duvet. So I leave all with Sweet Dreams………. Sonya. (Day 47)