
Back to the pavilion- Day 108 (Part 2)

Many apologies for my disappearance, believe me this time it wasn’t intentional. The antivirus which I installed on my PC expired few days ago and it was only wise to use PC after renewing the security system. Due to heavy rains we were all stuck in home for 3 days however I must say that I had an unusually good time because in these rains for the very first time there were absolutely no electricity cuts everything was working in pristine condition. Albeit few days passed by but it seems like an eternity that I came on the blog. These past few days have been interesting and I have met new people and it goes beyond saying that all of them have something quite positive about them. By the way did I tell you guys that I am learning reiki and acupressure, I think not. Well you must have heard about acupuncture and they are similar to it except that these methods of healing are without any needles. Both reiki and acupressure are alternative medicine where absolutely no medications are inv

Day 108 (Part 1)

Many Condolences and prayers on the demise of 152 passengers of Air Blue (Airbus A321) which crashed into the Margalla Hills, Islamabad, Pakistan. May God bless the souls of the people who lost their lives in the crash and give peace to their relatives and loved ones and bestow upon them the courage and patience to go through this ordeal. More prayers of peace and betterment for the people who lost their lives, loved ones, their homes & livelihoods in the heavy floods across the country. With so much disastrous news coming from all quarters it becomes difficult to function normally in our daily lives; feelings of being completely helpless are inevitable under these circumstances. It frustrates us for not being able to do anything for anyone. So these are the times which call on us to pray- to pray for miracles. These are the times when we must not only pray for ourselves but for everyone who is in trouble or agony anywhere. We should pray for the peace, safety and prosperity, e


For some strange reason I am unable enjoy the retirement which Sundays bring into our lives. On this particular day of the week I find myself surrounded with the feelings of lethargy and boredom, no TV show, nothing appears to be interesting and it all feels dull. Life is thankfully getting into routine and discipline and there is something wonderful about waking up early morning. Spirit, mind and body are in perfect harmony at dawn; the day begins early in the quietude and transitory time when the ultimate darkness of night is leading the way for the brightness of sun and is beckoning for a new day. Probably this is why these early hours harmonise and resonates most with the human nature because regardless of the darkness of any time there shall be always light, giving way to the brightness of hope and new beginnings which shall inevitably follow through. There are quite a few things that I would like to talk about but where and how to start is somehow puzzling. There have been so

Problems & solutions

There is a time for everything and if the required action is not taken timely then catastrophe is the only logical outcome. We spend so much of our time worrying or running away from the main issue and it seems to be our inherent tendency to keep our problems at arm’s length. Nothing gets solved from going on going whether verbally or with repetitive movie-making in our minds of the issues which are problematic. There is a technique which has been proved successful over the time, with me personally, that one should sit down and outline each & every problem item and then deal with them respectively, the tougher ones first. Nonetheless before starting all this exercise a clear cut Intention of really solving the problem(s) and having a perfect outcome should be made or else in no time our unfocused efforts would go down the drain. Endeavours, aims & expectations of the past are being wrapped up now and new avenues of hope, bliss and faith shall be opening up. I have wasted so m

The Mystery of my Singlehood

Thanks so much Naved for all your comments, all we could do is pray and hope that everyone could understand the depth of this delicate and painful issue and somehow acknowledge the side effects which our actions today have on our future (with reference to the post “Burden of Love”). Not to be able to keep appointment and arrive late anywhere are the two things which really get on my nerves. If I happen to do either of them the guilt and the anger which I would have to endure is just too much. At such times I close myself in my room and do not come out until I get rid of all the negative emotions because I know now negativity is a virus if one has it in any form then its just a matter of time that others who are living in proximity gets it too. Enough of that now, I am today in a mood to chat about a long pending matter that is the mystery behind my still being single. After being asked a gazillion times this question “why are you still single?” that I have decided to come clean now a

Burden of Love

Anger, fear, irritation, jealousy, abrupt judgement of any situation or person, or any other negative emotion when is the basis of our decisions and choices then it is perfect recipe of disaster for both present and the future. Not only these emotions compel us to make hastened choices but also make us short-sighted; we tend only to follow, hear and see whatever our thoughts (a voice in our head) tells us. In the heat of such imbecile moments we loose sight of the positives of past and the result such choice or decision which we would have to face in future. The only thing which resonates with us is that we want to be right no matter what the consequences are. The ego in us loves to give us a sense of separateness and alienation; it wants us to become alone. The only aim of our egos is to become inflated so it could feel good about itself regardless of the state of human in which it resides. Whatever I just wrote might or might not make sense to any of you; however, it does not perta

Joy with an Attitude for Gratitude

As the heat perseveres the electricity department persists in spontaneous power cuts but the nation endures this predicament with all the patience which a normal mind cannot even comprehend. I was reading somewhere that Denmark is the world’s happiest and the richest country with Finland, Norway, Sweden next in row; however the survey pointed out that although money is a crucial factor because there is a sense of security and well being associated with it nevertheless the real happiness is not only connected with high income. Their day-to-day happiness is more likely to be associated with how well one's psychological and social needs are being met. As a tradition Danish people work till 4 pm and then they take out their bicycles go to the market for shopping. The measure of success for them is not financial success rather their level of happiness and they give their special care and highly regard their elders, something we have abandoned long ago.   Similarly and surprisingly Cost