
Sleep and sensibility

Burning eyes, heavy head, looking desperately for a place to sleep or even a simple head down would suffice under such circumstances; are all the wonders of insomnia. Yesterday I decided to loose myself in the beauty of slumber and getting to bed by 9 pm but no! mind had other plans. The more I focused on sleep the more resistance I faced so after a tug-of–war with me on one end and insomnia on the other, I gave up and decided to be awake as long as my mind wants to. There was just no point in fighting with it. God knows when I slept, may be it was 3 or 4 I have no idea. My night routine has been disturbed for months now, because when I get the signal to doze off I think its too early and I need to do other things rather than go to bed; therefore, the entire routine is messed up. Sleep is such a vital part of our lives and if we don’t do justice to it our entire immune system pays a very high price, we have zero concentration, everything including our perceptions become blurred. We

Getting back to the routines...

Thank God for making Saturdays, they seem to have a magical effect on me. Irrespective if I work or not on Saturdays it is just simply one of the most fulfilling day of the week besides a little drizzle today in the early hours just gave it soothing touch.   Finally, I did manage to do exercise after a gap of I cannot remember how many months, weeks or days and the sort of aches I had afterwards in the muscles, which I never knew have existed, is beyond phrasing. I read that when doing any kind of workout one should change the exercise routine after every 4-6 weeks. If we continue to workout with the same speed or with the same routine our body being very intelligent quickly learns to minimally utilize the stored fat in those repeated movements. So it is advised to change the workout routine to trick the body and not let it get used to the same movements. For instance if you walk for 20 minutes daily then after 4-6 weeks change it 30 minutes or change your time and speed at the treadmi

Life goes in circle

Some things never leave you irrespective of how much you try, hence once again I heard a remark about me, which was a bit annoying at first, but then I accepted it as it is. There was or is a general perception that I am very carefree person with unserious attitude towards life and its responsibilities. Although the person who said this later admitted that it was an entirely wrong perception. What can I say but laugh at such notions. The very first time I have heard about it is when I was doing my BBA; though I worked as hard as anybody else, was damn serious about my career, punctual about time yet I heard such comments. If you are the only child with self-sufficient lifestyle and if you prefer to be jovial then of course you are bound to be a careless person, to hell with the discipline or hard work. I guess people rather than actually understanding someone blindly follows pre-conceived ideas or whatever story their mind tells them. In response to such believes I decided to change

Story of my Clutch Purse

Goodness its been almost two weeks since I last wrote, although every single day I missed being with all of you but what can one do when life gets in the way to our most beloved things. I was struggling to complete a very important book, wrap up efficiently my daily chores, sleep early and if possible do some kind of exercise; consequently there was no time left in the day. By nine in the evening, I was so exhausted that I just barely managed to say my prayers and then it was rushing to the comforts of my bed. Since posts take normally 1-2 hours straight so I thought it was only prudent to write when my mind and body have some coordination. Yesterday after a while, I have attended the most organized mayeon (henna ceremony held before wedding for the bride-to-be) of my dear friend Sadia’s younger sister. Everybody looked beautiful, the food was appetizing, and the kebabs were succulent; over all it was a delightful event. Plus I got my Hershey’s dark chocolate, some great makeup and a

Thank God for Your Mercy

Before anything else, I thank Almighty with all my heart for saving all of us last night from the earthquake of 7.4 magnitude. I didn’t know until in the afternoon mainly because of my allergy to newspapers and no TV policy in morning. What could have been lost is just overwhelming to even wrap my mind around and all I can say that Thank You Lord.   Lord, Save Us, We Perish   Pilot of the soul, awake, Save us for thy mercies' sake; Now rebuke the angry deep, Save, O save thy sinking ship! Stand at the helm, our vessel steer, Mighty on our side appear Saviour, teach us to descry Where the rocks and quicksands lie.   The waves shall impotently roll, If thou 'rt the anchor of the soul: At thy word the wind shall cease, Storms be hush'd to perfect peace. Be thou our haven of retreat, A rock to fix our wav'ring feet, Teach us to own thy sovereign sway, Whom the winds and seas obey………………..Augustus Montague Toplady Then my little cousin brother had 105ยบ fever last night and


Life is getting too fast and the younger lot even faster, the speed with which they operate whether in life or in technology is a wonder in itself. Although I don’t actually belong to the 40’s or 60’s generation but still I cannot familiarize myself to these drastic developments. I was thinking just this morning that I am actually conservative and very traditional in every way. Now times are changing so are the values and standards of living and surviving in this world. In today’s time I often hear people saying: sab chalta hai! (everything you do is ok) For instance these days whether teenagers or people in their mid-twenties are far more candid as well as expressive about their relationships something which was and probably still considered a taboo in some parts of our society. Even when it comes to their lifestyles, professional ethics and values in general everything is different. Then there are also the ones who have different standards for themselves and when it comes to reviewi

Light Versus Darkness

What could be worse than when in the midst of your favourite TV show the power goes off, although I am blessed to have a generator yet due to some technical reasons I was requested not to watch TV on its support. So what do I do then? I would now download the entire episode of Koffee with Karan Season 3, which had the interview of Rani Mukherji and Vidya Balan. It was such a pleasure to see such great talents laughing their way out and enjoying every bit of their interview, the chemistry between the two of them was simply awesome. Rani is such a wonderful and true actor and what can I say for Vidya she is the likes of Meena Kumari and Nutan. However, to see Rani after a long break was a pleasant surprise but I was also slightly upset to see her so sad, even though she was laughing and giggling yet her eyes are depressed. Somewhere in the pseudo glamour Rani Mukherji is lost, she has considerably lost weight and looks a lot older than her age. I guess bad relationships or our attachment