
Just another day...

More work less energy, in fact the work I have is piling up into a huge mountain of unfinished paper work. These days I am not in mood to do anything and prefer to be a couch potato, which is definitely not a good idea health wise.   The energy levels are down these days either, intentionally or unintentionally. I think when some important matters of our life remain unsettled the mind takes up the entire energy to resolve them. So the energy which is left for our daily work is then reduced a great deal.  Just to get my energy back I am taking coffee twice a day but the lethargy is still there in its full bloom. I don’t know what to do, I wish I can get some secret medicine which can give back my energy. Today is the first Sunday after a long time when guests are coming in consecutively, some old and some new family friends are dropping by to say hello. It is so wonderful to meet and greet people at home, especially at my place. I love to be a host and I love it even


I felt it, in fact I knew it that there was something wrong this time. I was unable to point it out, yet I knew it was there. Sometimes in our desperate quest to reach somewhere or to achieve something we miss the journey that takes us towards our goal or destination. We reduce it to ‘as a means to an end’. There was a story where two players were a playing competitive game. One of the players was a champion, but as the game began he got defeated very quickly. When everyone asked the champion player as to why he lost a very easy match, he said ‘throughout the game I kept my focus only on winning, on the outcome of the match- when I should have concentrated on the present moment where my competitor was with me’. It is important that one should have a goal in mind but what is more significant is to be intensely aware of the entire journey that is taking us towards our goal.   Can we touch the future? NO, because it is only in our mind- what we have with us is this moment.


Disappointments are an evitable part of our existence, still if we have a choice we would never invite them in our lives deliberately- yet we fall into situations where others disappoint us. There could be many reasons of our disappointments, sometimes we expect too much from others without any sensible reason. Sometimes we put people on such a high pedestal that to see them falling from that high place disappointments us. Being disappointed in itself is not a problem at all. The problem is that after being disappointed by someone we would be forced to think negatively about that person, either by disliking them or by not trusting them further. And this dislike or lack of trust for other person, is what actually gives us the pain. All of us whether we admit it or not, know it or not- are designed to be compassionate with ourselves and with others. But then the human element, the ego enters our life which distorts us and move us away from our compassionate zone. Sometim


Before we start for today, I have to thank the younger sister of my dearest friend, Anzala of Anzala Salim- Makeup and Training  for doing my fabulous day makeup. Ladies you need to check this budding makeup artist, she is a true professional.   Do take a look of her work on facebook and book your appointments. She was just a schoolgirl when I became friends with her elder sister and today she is not only studying medicine but successfully running her personal business. God Bless her! By the way I had a great time yesterday with you gals... What a heated day it has been but all in all it was fun. Eid is nearby, only few steps away and I wish all of you a very blessed Eid Mubarak. I feel so much indebted for your adulation and support for coming on the blog and giving me your reviews and especially the students from various universities, I hope what I write is of some help to your work. Do keep me posted if you want to know more. Who would have thought that I wou

Birth Day

If I see through the years that I have lived I cannot but be extremely grateful to Allah for the wonderful life which HE has blessed me with MashaAllah. Yesterday another year passed from my birth chart and I feel that I have been just born. The blessings I have been given are beyond any expression, the love, the respect, my education, my loving and supportive relationships and of course the friendship of my beautiful friends.      For the first time in many years, yesterday I had the most amazing birthday. There was a certain quite peace inside that couldn’t be named but only felt. The family and friends showered me with the most exceptional prayers, gifts and blessings and I feel fortunate to be able to experience all this.   On the other hand, life has also taught me many important lessons. Most importantly, to value what is worth valuing and to let go what becomes a burden to the soul. Although this letting go is no easy task but sometimes we need to make a decision, we n

Black, White & Grey

Every so often life shows us different paths and out of those many paths we need to choose one way, and that one way will be the determining factor for the quality of our entire life.  Today I feel as if I am standing at the junction of two points where one leads to the right way and other leads to total chaos. Its similar to when we graduate from school and are required to select our college. Sometimes right and wrong are not written in black and white, and you fear that what might look right to you could be very wrong for somebody else. I wish that God would just give us a manual where everything is pre-written and all we need to do is go to the index and get our solution. With all the education, intelligence and experience you have- it is strange that you don’t know your way. Nevertheless, I think this is the beauty of life, this is the magnificent opportunity given to us by Allah to strengthen our connection with Him. And when you put your trust in Him, He will