
My School (New Horizons Public School)

Memories don't leave you especially the ones you have from your childhood- your friends, your school, the teachers. The time when life seemed magical and everything was possible. When you actually think that the sofa you are jumping on is an island and the carpet below is an ocean. Childhood is a time when my mom told me that if I finish my food quickly then Thumbelina (a fairy of my thumb size) will  come and play with me. And I believed with all my heart that when I would reach School my fairy friend Thumbelina will be there to play with me. Thumbelina is still very real for me. With all these memories I had a sudden impulse to go to my school and see how it is today. To share all those beautiful moments and give you a glimpse of my glorious past I have taken some pictures of it, which I have shared at the end of this post. I went there after a very long time, the building is pretty much the same but our school was closed down many years ago and today a new school wit

Love changes

The only constant thing about life is that it is constantly changing. Relationships, work, priorities everything changes, and if we pray and are truly grounded in faith then we should know that everything happens for a good reason. In every changing situation, we are either learning something or we are teaching something. Although that change can be extremely painful for us to bear, but we need to have faith and be sure that God always has bigger and better plans for us which we cannot even comprehend with our limited mental capacities. However, one thing that remains constant is true love- whether its between parents and children, or friends, life partners.  Love is the essence of humanity, love is peace, love is joy, love is forgiveness, love is acceptance, love is faith, love is prayer, love is health, love is prosperity-Love is God.   Anything which calls itself love but does not have any or all of the above elements is not love, rather it is a counterfeit

To Clarity and Macrame!

I am excited today. May be its natural to feel excitement after taking two cups of strong coffee or may be the events that unfolded today are thrilling me. Whatever it is I am thankful to see things clearly now and have a perspective.  But more importantly it is healthy to take a step back from your life, from the routine things & thoughts and simply watch yourself from a distance. Trust me, when you move yourself out of the ordinary, extraordinary becomes visible. Albert Einstein said that time and space are illusions, ‘ you there – me here ’, is only the limitation of our eyesight. Beneath all distances we are all one, so intertwined-knitted together that we do not even know where one ends and the other begins.   I have received an incredible email today, the content of which I want to share with all of you. However, I need to get the permission of sender of this email first before I could go on and share some bits of past and how amazingly this is truly a sma

Enough said and done!

Fear and insecurity are inevitable feelings that you feel when you begin to loose something that you have with you for years.   There are times, when life suddenly wakes you up to do what is needed. As much as it pains you or others around you, you still need to stand up for yourself. Few days ago I went for a haircut, the stylist who was doing my hair had a frozen shoulder. It was a technical cut and she is a perfectionist, so we were together for at least 2 hours when she was carefully checking the precision. Within few minutes I suddenly started to feel acute pain in my shoulder, which led to cervical and a severe headache. The pain in my shoulder was so bad that I had to ask my stylist if her frozen shoulder was hurting her- because after practising alternative medicine and especially reiki we can naturally feel the pain or discomfort of others in our own body. I felt her shoulder pain exactly at the same spot in my shoulder and it got worse with time. So after she wa

Mirage- an illusion...

What a crazy week it has been, doing nothing significant but was absolutely busy. Thankfully, I was successful in completing my paper work, so what is left now can be managed easily. At least I am trying to be a regular at the blog, but time is passing by so quickly that days are changing into minutes. So what I should talk about today? There is so much going on, that synchronizing it all appears to be a huge task.   But began I shall, sometimes our eyes gives us the illusion of what our mind desperately wants. Its like mirage, I am sure most of you must have experienced it. In mirage, while in the midst of heat and sunlight if you look at the desert or on the road, from a distance, it gives you an illusion of water. It seems that there is water on the road or on the sand but it is just an illusion because there is no water there in reality.  However, to the viewer the water appears to be very real, because in that heat our brain needs water and what it needs, it se

Just another day...

More work less energy, in fact the work I have is piling up into a huge mountain of unfinished paper work. These days I am not in mood to do anything and prefer to be a couch potato, which is definitely not a good idea health wise.   The energy levels are down these days either, intentionally or unintentionally. I think when some important matters of our life remain unsettled the mind takes up the entire energy to resolve them. So the energy which is left for our daily work is then reduced a great deal.  Just to get my energy back I am taking coffee twice a day but the lethargy is still there in its full bloom. I don’t know what to do, I wish I can get some secret medicine which can give back my energy. Today is the first Sunday after a long time when guests are coming in consecutively, some old and some new family friends are dropping by to say hello. It is so wonderful to meet and greet people at home, especially at my place. I love to be a host and I love it even