
Another year….

Another beautiful year coming to an end and very soon we shall be entering 2014. I cannot even express in words how wonderful this year has been and how miraculous life has been…. I have seen some amazing things happening in 2013 that it feels surreal, as if I was dreaming all along-but hey I wasn’t. For almost 5 years I have lived with a biggest financial mistake of my life. The guilt of not behaving carefully with money and messing things up almost killed me and then, just few days ago God lifted the biggest burden of my shoulders and miraculously healed my mistake into blessing. Yes, if you pray and have faith you will be given a second chance; a chance where you can rectify your mistakes. Today I am at a full circle moment of my life, I am standing exactly where I was few years ago before I screwed things up. Have you ever seen those movies where the protagonist, the hero, comes back after reincarnation to make everything right but in his next life he is wiser, powe

Children of light

Yesterday evening as I was returning home I stopped at a signal, it was a long wait and then all of a sudden I saw a soft fluffy hand tapping on the car window. The little hand has lost its colour due to heavy layers of dirt on it.  This tiny hand belonged to an equally small girl who was smiling at me. She is hardly 8 or 9, has a round- slightly chubby face that is only adding beauty to her innocence. We had a barrier of a closed window between us but as I looked at her, she responded with joy in her eyes and a big smile on her face. She thought that I would give her some money, oh..did I forget to tell you that she was one of our regular beggars. I didn’t give her any money although I wanted to but something stopped me, rather we communicated by only our face expressions. Then as the signal went green she beaconed, that we will talk more tomorrow, same time – same place. I thought to myself, what are these children doing on streets? They should be under the love

Mistakes and learning

Mistakes could be a powerful tool of transformation and change if you really want to become a better version of yourself. There is no point in making a mistake if you are unable to learn from it.   I am learning and definitely want to do better this time. About a month ago, I have met some ladies who jolted my sense of self. My confidence, my belief, even my self image was shaken, in other words my ego was bruised. I was filled with anger and wanted to react in the same manner or even worse. Yet I controlled my impulse to react and the first and most important thing which I did immediately after those interactions, was to be continuously grateful for their happening. Although initially I didn’t knew what could be the magnificent outcome of such stupid incidents but still I continued with my practice. Then I saw these lines and everything changed, ‘ In every interaction which we have in this world we are either learning something or teaching something or something is

Heart, Mind, Soul- Spiritual healing (Tapping Therapy)

I have posted a video above by life coach Iyanla Vanzant (an author, inspirational speaker) on the tapping therapy. If you can watch this video on my blog then it is excellent but if you are unable to then I suggest that you find it on YouTube. It is a highly effective video where Iyanla explain in details about the tapping therapy. This is an amazing self-healing technique which can be used by anyone of any age and for any emotional-physical discomfort and illness. Actually, in the field of spiritual healing or alternative medicine it is believed that all Diseases are created in the body whenever there is Dis-Ease in us.  Initially we have a negative or painful emotion stuck in us for a prolonged period, which then changes into slight aches or pain and ultimately those slight pains transmute into real physical illness. Broadly speaking, we all have invisible 7 chakras (wheels) in our bodies corresponding to our endocrine system. Alongside these ch