The Pacemaker

It has often been said that our hearts are merely pumping machines and their only function is to purify and transmit blood. But if we observe closely, our heart is the place where we first experience any emotion. When we are hurt or depress or unhappy for any reason, our emotion in the form of energy, revolves in heart giving us bad sensations. Similarly, when we are happy or excited our heart area feels very light as a feather. Whatever happens to us, we feel all that primarily in our heart region. However, with the busyness that goes in our minds and in environment, we hardly ever realize that it is our heart which suffer and endures our life’s pain, as well as pleasures. Science now tells us that our hearts also have brains, they feel and think. Mind is the high-tech processing machine which brings out situations, memories, names, images and people matching the feelings coming out of heart. In every Religious book, hearts are given prime impor...