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Yesterday evening was really tough as I was down with a bad headache, nothing made sense. I had a strange feeling, so for no particular reason I opened up facebook and then as I was going through the news feed, I saw that Maalik’s official page has shared my post of Day 562. Day before yesterday I wrote an email to Mr. Ashir Azeem where I shared my excitement about his film, congratulated him for his endeavor and shared my blog link. And next day he shared my link on his page. Suddenly the high intensity of headache lessened to lower degrees; and I was very happy.  Thank you  so much Ashir Sir for acknowledging my humble effort.  When I was beginning my law practice I had few weeks of internship with Ms. Naveen Merchant advocate, one day as we were coming out of the Custom House I told Ms. Merchant about my wish to meet Ashir Azeem and with all her motherly affection she got excited and immediately called few people to arrange my meeting at Ashir Sir’s office, but unfortunately h


Overwhelmed, saddened but still hopeful are the three words that would naturally come to your experience once you watch Maalik, Pakistan’s latest cinematic adventure. As expected, Ashir Azeem was fabulous and every actor gave their best. I still remember the craze and phenomena of 'Dhooan', it was very the first action-thriller TV play and it took the entire country by storm, we all just loved it. Today there is Maalik, a great achievement for Pakistan's cinema.      What I most admire about Ashir Azeem is the way he portrays women, he brilliantly presents the perfect amalgamation of feminine fragility and strength- the lover and the warrior.  Although the film was released worldwide and received adulation, however, it was banned in Pakistan for offending someone in Government, Ashir had to face a lot of hell after the release of this movie. His job was threatened to the point of terminating him, various investigations and cases have been opened up, his pe

Dreams n all

It feels as if I have returned home after a very long time and I am picking up white sheets that are covering all the furniture. There are vague paintings on the wall, saying something reminding me of something but I cannot remember what it is. That is exactly how I feel by writing today after a prolong pause. Here I was all excited to reveal about my trip and then suddenly I had a speed breaker. Soon after I came from my vacations my dear aunty, whom I always lovingly called Chachi, lost her battle with cancer. Although she was struggling with her illness for quite a long time and we all knew that sooner than later we had to say our goodbyes to her. Yet with all the knowing, you don’t want to know. It was a painful time but my work was my refuge, classes resumed with full throttle, and finally I had to complete my PhD thesis. I am still working on the thesis, all tensed and anxious. Submission deadline is nearby and my work is far from completion. It’s all being processed in

And the journey happened...

To say something in a dream state is not a very good idea, it is always better to be fully awake and in complete awareness of our mental faculties.  It was I think in 2007 or 2008 Umrah (Muslim religious pilgrimage) or probably on both occasions when I sat before Kaaba Muazzama, prayed, cried with all my heart for the approval of my three deepest desires.  One of them was to visit Europe/ Paris or London, I wasn’t very clear but these three words were echoing in my mind.  In 2005, when we sent our travel documents via a tour company, they were all returned to us as UK embassy was not allowing tour groups. In 2007 when we applied directly to the embassy, our passports were amicably returned because we provided insufficient documents. It was since then my heart was burning with an intense desire but somehow nothing happened. I always thought no prayer is ever refused when we are on the pilgrimage, so why am I unheard?  I knew little then, that not only my cries were

Eid Mubarak and so much more…

What could be a better way than to start my post with warm and loving wishes & many prayers for all of you.  May Allah bless us with His divine light, guidance, love, peace, health, joy and wealth. Many of you have already celebrated first day of Eid and for people on my side of globe will celebrate today and also tomorrow. Wherever you are my wishes for all you shall remain the same. Eid in Karachi, especially chand raat (a day before Eid) is the most enjoyable- sometimes more than the Eid day. Many of the Karachites spend chand raat shopping, window shopping, ladies waiting in long waiting lines for henna, last moment salon calls and of course the dresses- which by the way are never ready on time. Husbands or brothers are continuously visiting tailors to get the dresses and every time master sahib (the tailor) gives them a highly logical answer to get extra fifteen minutes until the dresses are finally done.   Every Eid I promise myself that this time I would no

Memories and Beauty

Saw some old pictures and found couple of my favorites of my Dad. It’s been around seven years since he passed away but it feels as if he is still with me and actually he is. Whenever I need his advice I could feel him around, guiding me- showing me the ropes. Daddy Birthday with Abbu, Amma, Kanwal, Fariha, Tabussum Aunty, Saman & Touseef ul Haq I don’t like to talk about my relationships especially the people who are no longer with me, it frightens me. This father’s day I so much wanted to write about my father but there were so many things that jumped right between me and my writing, and probably that was not even the right time. I don’t get this father’s day or mother’s day. What are these? I don’t understand the logic except that it is a great marketing stint for manufacturers. Every day is a father and a mother day. Why does it have to be that one particular day that we are showering our parents with so many facebook and twitter updates? These soc

Finally, made it!

Getting back to life and some kind of normalcy, it has been crazy few months. It feels really nice to be back to the point where I have started this wonderful journey for all of us to be connected and share, to vent out.  Teaching is one of the best thing that could happen to anyone, it changes you for good. In my class when I bombarding my students with last moment tests and course extensions, one of my students said ‘you are like our Mom, and Moms don’t give children tight study schedules’. It is funny how I suddenly became what I am today, yes like a mom of more than 80 children. And then came the finals, long grueling hours of checking every paper carefully so no injustice is done. It is really a proud moment that all my students worked hard and got wonderful results especially when I pushed them over the edge. Ramadan came and now they are leaving us, it has been an overwhelming month with Amjad Sabri’s sudden death. It was in 2005 when I went to Sonu Nigam’s concert