
I say a little prayer

Today my heart is shattered and broken into pieces; every piece is hurting and giving pain. The leader who was appointed after so many of prayers may be ousted from his office. Yes I am talking about Prime Minister Imran Khan’s removal after voting on the no-confidence motion given by the opposition parties. This no-confidence motion is provided as our constitutional right; however it is being used for every other purpose which the constitution makers never even dreamt off. Lots of negative politics, foreign interference, corruption cases and fear of losing power are the main aims for this no-confidence motion. While on the other hand, millions of people like me are in dismay and melancholy apprehending what is in store for the citizens of Pakistan. As difficult it is, we have to accept the reality and face whatever is to come with the hope that tomorrow the sun will shine erasing the darkness of night.  With war in Ukraine where the entire country is going through so much destruc

Sorry Sir I was too late..My Last Respects to Mr. Sohail Muzaffar

  Today I am deeply saddened and lost for words at the passing away of  Mr. Sohail Muzaffar. A lthough my teacher, my mentor and a wonderful soul Mr. Sohail left us for his  heavenly  abode in February 2021. The most painful thing is that I just came to know about his news few days ago when I tried to call him for some advice. He wasn’t picking up the phone so I checked his facebook to contact him and from there I came to know of his passing away. Every day I thought about calling him but one thing or the other happened and I kept postponing my call; for almost a year I have not even looked at my facebook account. Yet I always found solace from the very thought that he will be fine and some fine day I will call him or probably pay him a surprise visit at his office and then we will gossip about the latest happenings over a cup of coffee.  All these plans only remained in my mind, for years I made plans but never acted on them. Today I am at lost for any words, I wish I would have cal

FIR in 2021.. Pakistan

Finally Sindh govt is taking a positive step to reform our Police Rules,  FIR (or the first information report) which is lodged by a victim or by their relative or even by a citizen was enough for police to make an arrest without collecting any concrete evidence or conducting full investigation. Our law makers must have had good intentions when they made this law; however, this FIR has been a nuisance and was used or more appropriately abused by powerful and ill-intentioned people to falsely trap innocent people and suspects in the vicious chakra of crime. Recently in Shahzada Qaiser Arfat v. The State , Justice Syed Mansoor Ali of the Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan observed that having power is one thing but using this power with proper justification is a totally different ball game (Article 4(1) (j) of the Police Order, 2002 and Police Rules, 1934 gave power to police under Section 54 of the CrPC to make an arrest without a warrant).  According to the above judgement no p

It must be her fault!

Its hours past midnight, I can’t sleep, my mind refuses to quieten- I have tried meditation and present moment exercises, all failed. Noor Mukhadam is revolving in my thoughts, she was found brutally murdered at a residence in Islamabad by the suspect Zahir Jaffer.  I desperately want to put the onus of this crime on Noor so that I could be over and done with it. I want to justify the trauma and the fear of her death by saying that it must have been her fault, she must have said or done something to infuriate Jafer. It is always the woman who say or do something that hurts or irritates a man to such an extent that he would just behead her. Is it really the truth, I wonder? More than half of Pakistan’s population is based on women and every time she says or does not say something; does or does not do something which makes a man so angry that he hits her, or molest her or burns her, or kill her. And it all seems justified, of course it is her fault. If she is molested at a bus stop,

Covid 19 Pakistan

Sometimes a little ray of hope is enough to carry us through the rough times. USA health officials are allowing its citizens to go outside without wearing masks, if they are fully vaccinated. I am extremely grateful to Allah for easing the pressure. Here I must also commend our government for providing free vaccinations to all Pakistanis. If elders in your family are not vaccinated please do go for their vaccination; the process is quite easy. Just SMS your CNIC number to 1166, within seconds a reply message with your registration details will come.     With such meagre resources Prime Minister Imran Khan somehow managed to get everyone vaccinated age wise. In the first stage, it was 60 to 70 plus of age individuals, then age group of 50, currently registration is open for 40's age group.   Senior citizens of 70 years and above, can walk into any officially authorized vaccination centre without the need to have any prior registration. Two of my family members juts got vacci

Getting smart with money: Part 1

2021 is a year to start with prayers and love for all. For couple of years I lost all my willingness to write or to communicate with anyone. I wanted to be consistent but sometimes what you want is not always possible to get. Last year was emotionally, physically and mentally challenging. I was forced to come out of my comfort zone and above all I was compelled by time to become financially intelligent. So I thought it is a nice idea to share with your all what I learned l ast year and how it has helped me to grow both inwards as well as outwards.   Now let's see, finance and money has never been speciality in fact my entire life until the year 2020 went into a haze, money-wise. I had no idea about savings or how to invest, all I knew was to happily get money from my Mom as and when required. Even though I had been earning myself for more than a decade but I never knew a thing about finance. I have been very fortunate that my mother is a financially savvy person or else only God


It is best to make no promises, nor to take any vows and just to leave everything unspoken and open-ended. The vastness of unspoken words is immense as well as beautiful. So let us be infinite and silent. The boat is rocking, the tides are quite high and the times are unsure. It is a dream- no probably a scream which has taken away light from the pendant of a stream.  Crying babies, tears of healers, pain of losing, fear of suffering tore the hearts of millions this years. Yet in the despair there appears a glimmer of hope from the steeple of faith, beaming lightly and softly yet constantly- heralding us to hold hold on to the rope of faith even when our hands are bruised and bleeding through- telling us; compelling us; teaching us:                                          “ So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief:        فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا                          Verily, with every difficulty there is relief :          إِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا&quo