The Success Epidemic

Time has come when we are compelled to reevaluate our idea of success and power. Financial stability and security are very important for our existence, money is required to buy food, medicines, to handle uncertainties, to get education and so on, it has its place in our life. But is it all that there is to life. Our society measures success by the length of numbers on our bank statement and the square feet of land we possess. Success is also evaluated by our power and ability to influence others. Nevertheless, what is the cost that our society is paying to achieve heights of success, both individually and collectively? A study of German doctors found that nearly 50% of physicians appeared to be suffering from the ‘burnout’ reported that they feel tired during every single hour of the day and that the mere thought of work in the morning leave them feeling exhausted. According to a Finnish survey m en and women deal with burnout in different ways, male employees who repo...