Life with Migraine

What a life it has been for the last few months. Just kidding! Thankfully nothing new has happened-it’s all same old but definitely the work load has increased for me and I am pretty sure that it is going to take its momentum in the upcoming weeks. So first of all, thank you so much for all your lovely comments on the blog. Many people have asked me if I am really the one who write all my posts/ articles or is there a ghost writer. To tell you the truth that I am apparently the one who is writing all the material yet I know for sure that it is only possible by the orders of God and His creativity to enter my mind and express whatever there is to spoken to the world. Whether we write, act, draw, sing or even take a superb business decision or get a brilliant idea it is never possible without the divine intervention. So how to have that intervention, though I don’t have any precise guidelines in this regard I believe to have some pointers. I believe it is imperative to have a ...