It must be her fault!

Its hours past midnight, I can’t sleep, my mind refuses to quieten- I have tried meditation and present moment exercises, all failed. Noor Mukhadam is revolving in my thoughts, she was found brutally murdered at a residence in Islamabad by the suspect Zahir Jaffer. I desperately want to put the onus of this crime on Noor so that I could be over and done with it. I want to justify the trauma and the fear of her death by saying that it must have been her fault, she must have said or done something to infuriate Jafer. It is always the woman who say or do something that hurts or irritates a man to such an extent that he would just behead her. Is it really the truth, I wonder? More than half of Pakistan’s population is based on women and every time she says or does not say something; does or does not do something which makes a man so angry that he hits her, or molest her or burns her, or kill her. And it all seems justified, of course it is her fault. If she is molested at a bus st...