Sindh's Legal Drama: Between Children Rights and Political Rivalries

So Sindh government has finally announced Children Drama Industry Ordinance and the Sindh Actor Royalty Ordinance to protect the rights and well-being of children working in the entertainment industry. Since the law is announced by the Government of Sindh it will only protect children in Karachi, as there is hardly any entertainment work carried on in other areas of Sindh. It is a nice step but more of it seems to be purely for marketing purposes before the elections of 2024, because till yesterday the above laws were not available in draft/ bill forms on the Sindh assembly’s website. Then what else is interesting that both these laws would be introduced as ordinances, consequently they would be only valid for 120 days thereafter these legislations will need approval of majority of “ ELECTED ” members of parliament. What an irony? At one end Sindh govt. is introducing laws to protect rights of our children but on the other end Sindh assembly's entire elected members of oppositio...