New Vibes (Sequel to Jan 03 2019)

Should I say that I am a different person today? I guess not but I am definitely exploring various aspects of my personality that I never thought have existed earlier. I am so happy that all of you have given your beautiful feedback on my earlier posts but there has been a special reference to the post “3 January 2019”. It took a while for me to figure out the priorities in life but when they have been sorted out nothing seems impossible now. There has been an immense interest in my following up to the January 3 post, so I will try my best to talk about the picture which I uploaded with that post. Whether you call that amazing power God or Allah or Universe or remember Him with any other name it really doesn’t matter, what really matters is the regular, moment-to-moment connection which you make with the Omnipresent, the Merciful God. So even when I am done with my prayers I make sure to involve God in every decision, every problem that I encounter daily. For instance, if I ...