New Vibes (Sequel to Jan 03 2019)

Should I say that I am a different person today? I guess not but I am definitely exploring various aspects of my personality that I never thought have existed earlier. I am so happy that all of you have given your beautiful feedback on my earlier posts but there has been a special reference to the post “3 January 2019”. It took a while for me to figure out the priorities in life but when they have been sorted out nothing seems impossible now. There has been an immense interest in my following up to the January 3 post, so I will try my best to talk about the picture which I uploaded with that post.

Whether you call that amazing power God or Allah or Universe or remember Him with any other name it really doesn’t matter, what really matters is the regular, moment-to-moment connection which you make with the Omnipresent, the Merciful God. So even when I am done with my prayers I make sure to involve God in every decision, every problem that I encounter daily. For instance, if I have to go to grocery shopping, or if I am stuck in traffic or watching my favourite TV show or having a great breakfast on a Sunday or even when I have to deal with someone obnoxious. I try my best to make a conscious effort to remember the greatest energy, the most Powerful entity referred to as God by humans.

As for family and work, they are both second and third in my life, respectively, this is something that I have learned from my parents. My mother was a working mom, she completed her specialization in medicine when I was two, then she started her practice. She worked in the morning and also in the evening, but not even once throughout my life she ever ignored or disconnected my calls while at work. She always took my call, listened to all that I had to say and if I needed help she stopped everything and dealt with my problem and if I just called to say hello she would lovingly tell me after hearing my entire conversation, I am a bit busy love and will talk to you as soon as I get free. And she always called me when she was free.

The same thing was with my father, not even once in his lifetime did he ever missed my call. I was in Pakistan and had my visa issues and he was admitted in hospital, I was continuously calling USA to talk to him, due to his extreme weakness he was almost unconscious. Yet as soon as he gained some strength he would make sure to talk to me because that’s who he was- always committed with an iron-clad determination to speak to his daughter, help and support her even though his own life was coming to an end.

Work is divine, it is passion, it is livelihood but parents and family are life. And life shall always take precedence over livelihood. This is what I have learned and every day try my best incorporate in my life.

These days I feel sorry for the kids whose mothers are not even working yet they have terrible communication and emotional disconnection with their children. Famous actor Tom Cruise shared one of his phone conversations with his son while he was at work: 

Tom: here I am hanging upside down in Warner studios, and my son calls me. He was like ‘Hi Dad!’ Then a pause, pause, pause..
Son: What are you doing?
Tom: ‘Hi, love I am hanging with the rope. What are you doing?
Son: “Just called to say Hi”  
Tom said what can you do? When they need you- they need you.
Guys we need to put extra effort with our close relationships, especially our children to make them feel secured, and brought them up as kind, loving and understanding human beings.

Anyways back to my new vibe, I beginning to realise many things in particular, my peace, energy and comfort. When I started to practice law, I used to observe and imitate senior female lawyers. What kind of shoes or jewellery they wear, or just how the carry themselves in general. What was amazing that I used to be running around the Courts, moving quickly from district to high court with all the heavy files and I wore heels and other black sandals that were incredibly painful and seriously uncomfortable but that’s what I saw every female wearing. Some wore pumps but to be honest my feet are not made to fit in narrow shoes.

After years of copying others, following ridiculous dress codes I have found myself, finally! So I got myself a nice pair of trainers which I loveee. And that is what I will be investing in future. There are in so many colours and designs that you can find a pair that would easily pass as formal shoes with all the comfort in movement, shock absorption and above all ventilation. They are the magnificent creation by a human.

Going on a bit more into this journey I am also adopting minimalistic lifestyle. I have just gifted all of my unused makeup, clothes, shoes and jewellery. I have now decided to keep myself under a radar and if I catch myself accumulating stuff that will just lie in my drawers or table is definitely going to be gifted to someone who actually needs it. I have decided not to collect perfumes and buy only what I love and use. However, this approach is not applicable to my handbags and books which I shall continue to love and enjoy. 

Honestly, this has freed me in unbelievable ways and I also tend to follow this approach for my home. In future, I will make it more beautiful by making every room functional, easy to clean and I will try not to buy excessive decoration pieces, large lamps, table items even I plan to make the drawing-room furniture stylish yet simple, friendly and extremely comfortable without any pomp or huge décor pieces. I don’t feel like impressing anyone but enjoying the beauty of nature and non-material comforts of life.

Probably that’s what happens when you don’t look at others for fitting-in but you find your own path and what you prefer because as you grow a bit older your personal peace and comfort supersedes all fights, politics and even fashion trends :)  

So nice to talk to all of you, even though I was the one speaking/ writing in this case.

Have a greatest week!
Eat well!
Sonya Syed (Day 581)


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