
I was searching for some beautiful wallpaper for blog and this picture caught my sight; I fell in love with it almost immediately. This is a beautiful painting and the artist of this creation has my standing ovation. 

For so long I have been dreaming to have another home with a lake, and this painting depicts exactly what I desire. The lake is missing though but I can easily use my creative imagination to place the lake at the backside of this home.

No I am not shifting anywhere, yet; but lately a deep desire is surfacing within me to live at a place where I am completely surrounded by nature, lush green land with trees, flowers, lake or ocean, with few other homes in vicinity. However, there has to be cafes, shopping malls, biryani and nihari inns and the bustling main city area should be within few minutes’ drive.

Besides this house, I desire that I would like to do something more than just practicing law. I want to be engaged in the work that I enjoy with all my heart, that is meaningful, productive not only for myself but for people at large. Work enriching my mind, heart and soul.

I deliberately stayed away from the blog and tried to minimize my contact with the outer world because I am trying to connect with my inner world. More precisely, I was taking an inventory of my life. Where am I at personal, professional and spiritual level? What am I doing with my life? What have I done or achieved? What are the mistakes? What are the regrets? What are my new dreams and desires?

What is the quality of my life- not monetarily but on a personal level? What is the quality of all my relationships/ friendships?

And after finding some answers, if not all the answers, where do I want to go from here? What do I Really want to do and achieve?

It was not that I would sit everyday and think for hours about all these questions. One by one, questions were surfacing and one by one I was finding my answers, both directly and indirectly.

The first brain bulb was lit when I saw Arianna Huffington’s (founder Huffington Post) interview with Oprah. Something clicked in me, when she said only ten percent of our life is in our hands, and I give that 10% my 100%, while the rest is in God’s hand.

She also gave a good pointer for success that success is a dance between making it happen and letting it happen.

What I learned is that we do not have more than 10% of control or power over most of the things that happen to us, whether it is our personal life, wealth, profession as ninety percent power is in the hands of God. What we can do is to give our best, our 1000%, to the ten percent we have power over and leave the rest to HIM.

It is always nice to step back from the chaos of life and take a long deep look at what is happening to us.

Thank you all for being with me.

Best wishes...

Sonya Syed. (Day 533)


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