Its good to be back...

     It’s only been 7 or 8 days since I last showed up on the blog but it feels like ages have gone by; the most familiar of environs are appearing to be quite strange. Probably this is what time does to us; it has the greatest inherent quality of making things hazy in our memories, maybe this is why time is known as the best healer. First it gradually fades the memory and then the pain associated with that particular memory diminishes bit by bit. 

I wonder is there any exception to this rule, is it possible to remember somebody or something which at a certain point in time seemed trivial and easily dispensable yet when it disappears from the proximity could leave an indelible mark on our consciousness.
Do share with me if anyone of you had such an experience.

     Nevertheless it feels good to be back, back to the routine which has now become the most vital part of my day. Although I finished up my work on Sunday but then there some indisposition so I thought it would be best to meet with all of you when I am in better of mind, body and spirit.

     It is always such a delight to hear some friendly and known voice over the phone or when I am contacted, especially on my cell, for some purpose by familiar quarters; however, any contact beside that is never appreciated.
But I shall always appreciate all of you my dearests…

With much love…

Sonya. (Day 119)


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