Day 124 & Hesitations

   Lazy start of the day with an even lazy and late lunch is no less than a luxury to me. It’s a luxury when one does things at ones own desire and only when there is an absolute need for them.

   There are moments when we would want to get in touch with someone but then our past experiences with them, their impressions on our mind or our own over-estimations of either people or situation forbids us to make that first move, that dreaded first move. Albeit how much we would like to communicate, our preconceived notions hinder our every move or our apprehension takes over our rational capacity to do what is right.

I cannot say if there is any solution to this problem but all what I knew from my experience is to completely surrender your matter, whatever it is, to God. In these moments it is best to seek counsel of the One who is the best Knower of all things- past, present and future. Our judgements, estimations are majority of times incorrect as we do not possess the discernment to even see beyond a certain area- And whatever we do see we faultily try to interpret it in the light of our past experiences.

    At last I am getting good hold on my acupressure and rieki training and it is an immense joy to be able to witness people gaining benefits from my therapies. Of course my main subjects of practise at home are my mom and two little cousins who have to endure and also appreciate my therapeutic practices which I conduct regularly on them. What else they could do then to encourage and support me they are after all genetically programmed to care for me.

   Ah an early post is such a delight and it gives an immense feeling of satisfaction that a really significant thing of my routine has been done in a timely manner.

All you loved ones have a great weekend.

And a very Good Evening.

Sonya. (Day 124)


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