Eid Mubarak

I wish all of you a warm and loving Eid Mubarak and I pray that this auspicious day may bring love, peace & joy in the lives of all.

   There was almost pin drop silence on the Eid Day with minimum of movement in the vicinity. Now on the second day of Eid we finally have some activity on the streets and it feels more like a festival.
I have to say that this has been by far one of the most beautiful and pleasant Eid I have ever experienced. The weather was simply breathtaking- it was sunny and warm during the day and exceptionally cloudy in the late afternoon, the winds were soft yet heavy with shrubbery blossoming everywhere; and the energy felt in the entire atmosphere was absolutely magnificent.
   It is quite amazing to notice as to how swiftly the days are passing by; or is it that we are increasingly becoming busy and engrossed with our minds and its constant thinking or chatter which has placed us in a trance-like state, hence we could not be aware or present enough to realize the beginnings and end of our days. This mental activity could be observed during Salah (or Muslim prayers) where we would say the entire Salah and won’t even remember what we recited throughout or how we got to the end of the prayer, expect of few glimpses.
I guess we must at times step outside the craziness of our lives and observe it as a bystander; we might actually get some insights.
On that note I take your leave dearest ones- love yourself and love everyone around you….

Sonya. (Day122)


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