Cheers to Friendship and Reconnections

Friendship- for some reason is the first word which came to my mind as I sat down to write today’s post. Friends are such an integral part of one’s life and everything seems incomplete without their presence. When we are children our friends mean a world to us we laugh, cry, gossip and share each other’s secret and as we grow up we transform into each others’ adviser, supporter and confidante. Irrespective of how much we are close to our parents or siblings the bond we share with our friends is all together a different dimension.

With me I have to say that I truly am blessed and thankful for having two of the most wonderful people as my friends. They have always supported me advised me accepted me and loved me unconditionally. Regardless of how ridiculous my new hair cut looked or how much weight I gain they would always highlight the truer and brighter side of the things for me. There might be a gap of weeks when we talk but the moment we sit down for a rendezvous we always begin where we left last time and the space of time elapsed between our meeting merely becomes a illusion.

A sense of relief has finally come in when I had an opportunity to speak with two people with whom I have been thinking to connect for quite some time. One of them being my Phoopi, my father’s sister; it is always such a delight to speak with her and all the things we get to share. The energy which I am able to sense while talking to her is simply amazing. I wish her all the health and happiness in the world and also to my entire family. It has been quite some time since we met mainly because she resides in the US of A; although on several occasions I thought of visiting her but one thing or another always come in the way; nevertheless, I shall decide to meet with all of them in the near future-Insha Allah.
The most important thing of my day is completed with this post so all the loved ones adieus amigos.
Sonya. (Day 127)


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