Rain, Rain Come Again!

I am speaking on behalf of Karachites: “Please Allah, I love you and I love rain but please make it stop. I am okay with a bit of drizzle here and there, dark skies and cold breeze but this city does not have the capacity to endure your divine love, we just can’t handle it.” After a tornado of chaos, emotional roller coaster rides, Covid 19, isolation, social distancing, masks, sanitizers, pain of losing a beloved family member suddenly and the craziest social media- I have been trying to find my centre the inner place where I can go and dream of anything. Immense struggle of no avail. 2020 has been a very difficult year probably the most challenging one of my life. For the last 9-10 years I have been meditating, praying diligently and life has been pretty good to me however the emotional and financial crisis of the world jolted the best of the spiritual practises. I really believe that corona virus was a three-second trailer of the judgement day. Now on 27 th ...