
Dues of Pakistan

History- a subject few of us appreciate while many of us don’t understand. To me, history means a vast collection of dates representing life altering moments of some great people or countries. This concept never really hit home until today.   Today, I am realizing that we, as the citizens of Islamic Republic of Pakistan are witnessing moments which are going to make history of this country.   Since 2013, Pakistan has been riding political roller coaster ride. Wrong people ruling us; wrongfully elected by us. This country has been through so much- little children bled to death, so many lost lives for simply being innocent. We all have become immune to bloodshed. Yet in the midst of all this darkness and chaos there is a glimpse of miraculous ray of hope trying to make its way through. The greatest development of 26 th August, 2015 is the visit by the renowned    British Pakistani boxing champion Amir Khan to the most victimized and vulnerable area Lyari in Karachi;

Zero to Hero

It feels odd to write after so much time has elapsed, but one must share how one feels. Until few weeks ago I never actually understood the meaning of growing up or being mature, this was a vague territory for me. Like most of the people who were just riding the waves of their lives, I was also flowing with the flow.   A flow when everything is safe and known and there is absolutely no need to become unnecessarily awakened or vigilant about yourself. A flow where we are blindfolded because we don’t want to see anything beyond our self-imposed restrictions or limitations. We are okay with life. That is great, and there is absolutely nothing wrong to live like that, if that's how you want to be. Nevertheless, what about those sudden moments when we are shaken, jolted to wake up- the moment that suddenly triggers us; suddenly activates our entire life, our body, our mind and our heart. And it is in that moment we realize who we are, what is our real worth, what we truly de


In the loving memory of my Dad 'Syed Muhammad Arif' Life is once again back on track. Health, my friends is the best gift from God- not only our own but also of our loved ones. Recently a very dear friend suddenly fell ill and was in a critical condition for weeks; however, with the grace & immense blessings of Allah she is out of danger.   So, I on behalf of my friend request all of you to send your healing prayers for her speedy recovery and nourishment. And I send you my sincere thanks in advance, for all your prayers and best wishes for her and also for me & my family. Do take care of yourself, eat healthy food, sleep well, avoid smoking, forgive the ones who hurt you and forgive yourself for hurting others. Try your best to make your life peaceful and happy, it is not easy I know. Yet what I have learnt is that happiness is a choice- a choice you have to make daily. I have made this my daily practice and my morning ritual, the moment I wake up I

To uncertainty..

Eid Mubarak to all my wonderful readers with many prayers for your and your loved ones’ health, peace & prosperity... Many times I sat in front of my computer to write something but I was unable to, I picked up projects which had to be completed at almost similar dates. When mind is engaged in one direction it becomes difficult to focus on other avenues, so the blog was abandoned for few weeks. I always want to share positive and encouraging thoughts but today I cannot do so. I am sad and afraid today not for myself but for a dear friend of mine, she taught me so many things in life. Healing, peace of mind, knowledge are all amazing the gifts she has given me, and as I write this post she is fighting a battle for her life. The heat wave and the weakness from fasting took a toll on her health, and like many other residents of Karachi she is going through heat stroke and all our prayers are dedicated for her health and well-being. These days I am trying my bes

Something fishy

I was chatting with my friend few hours ago when she shared with me her recent surprise. This particular surprise/ astonishment is pointed at me, over my mysterious and unexpected silence in the current development of affairs of a prominent political personality (wow three P’s in a row). Ohh well I am not saying anything, but someone is saying yet not saying anything.... This country faces one disaster after another; there is not a single moment without breaking news. I do not understand the concept of breaking the news because all it breaks is our heart. It is very difficult to find humour in these severe times but if someone amuses us, then why not. Thankfully the heat wave has passed and now the weather is pleasant, especially in the evening and late nights. It is so easy to say today that the heat wave have passed but only few days back uncountable people died while others lived helplessly in Karachi and other areas of Sindh without any electricity, water, or a

Laahasil (Fruitless)

Few years back there was a TV play called ‘Laahasil’, it was a splendid play directed by our talented actress/ director Angeline Malik. If you can find it do watch it. The story is about non-Muslim girl, played by Angeline, who lives in UK/USA (I can’t remember the place exactly) and she works as an escort. Anyways she meets a Pakistani Muslim man (very well played by Noman Ijaz) who changes her entire life; because of her friendship with him she begins to get interested in Islam. Within no time she finds her divine path, converts to Islam and becomes a devoted Muslim woman. Noman was unaware of her past or her profession marries her. They start to live a happy life, they also have a son. However, one day Noman’s friend visits his house to meet the family and he immediately recognizes Angeline and informs Noman about her past. Noman, despite of her begging and pleading divorces her immediately and throws her out of his home. He also threatens her to kill their son if