Dues of Pakistan
History- a subject few
of us appreciate while many of us don’t understand. To me, history means a vast
collection of dates representing life altering moments of some great people or
countries. This concept never really hit home until today. Today, I am realizing that we, as the citizens
of Islamic Republic of Pakistan are witnessing moments which are going to make history
of this country.
Since 2013, Pakistan has
been riding political roller coaster ride. Wrong people ruling us; wrongfully
elected by us.
This country has been through
so much- little children bled to death, so many lost lives for simply being
innocent. We all have become immune to bloodshed. Yet in the midst of all this
darkness and chaos there is a glimpse of miraculous ray of hope trying to make its
way through.
The greatest
development of 26th August, 2015 is the visit by the renowned British Pakistani
boxing champion Amir Khan to the most victimized and vulnerable area Lyari in Karachi; and also his announcement to start Amir Khan Boxing Academy.
Lyari is a place whose
children have mostly seen severe law and order crisis yet this situation didn’t
hinder the development of world class boxers and foot ball players. Unfortunately,
no one has paid any attention to them even the people who were elected by this
Nevertheless, hard work and sincerity is always rewarded. I hope
that this visit by Amir Khan proves fruitful and brings into the limelight the
long ignored talented youth.
The second unbelievable
development of 26th August, 2015 is the decision by the election
tribunal against high-profile person currently in the Government. This decision
might not be a big thing for people living in the Western world but for a
country like Pakistan it is a ‘larger than life’ event.
A time of prayer and
gratitude but also a time for long and dedicated hard work, combined with intelligent
I am very hopeful that
this country will very soon see its long-due glory. Ameen.
Sonya Syed (Day 541).