To each his own

It is a sad moment for me, all is well with family and my health though. Yet I truly feel sad, sad at how complicated simple things can get, sad at how mistrust can shake the walls of your being. People cannot be blamed for their opinions or unwarranted fears, but unfortunately the truth stands there at a distance quietly watching the swiftness with which fears are sinking people in the vast of ocean of mistrust.

Have you seen in movies where an innocent person picks up a wounded stranger lying on streets and rushes him to hospital, however, on reaching hospital the police arrests that innocent person on the suspicion of wounding the stranger.

That is why when an accident happens on road nobody picks up the wounded person because everybody fears that they will be charged for helping someone. I guess, these are the times of insensitivity and of strictly minding your business, and let everyone be on their own.

At some point we need to realize that no one can help anybody - until and unless God intends to help someone.We all are mere channels through which He works and without His will nothing happens.

The good part is that God is the Healer of Healers so when He is there to take care of His people - then who are we to worry.

Everyone is born with their personalized syllabus to survive in this world and sometimes the best help is not to help at all, just trust the magnificence of life that all the rights things will happen at their own pace and in their own ways with highest good of all involved.

All we have to do is to be honest and sincere in our intentions and in our deeds, pray and leave the rest to the Omnipresent, the most Magnificent God.

Wow, just writing these lines down makes it so better. I feel so blessed, so fortunate to be in the presence of all you who have always supported and encouraged me. I am sorry to have been blabbering like this but then you all are well aware of my habits.

New academic sessions are starting for colleges and universities, so guys I wish you all the best and pray that new semesters get lighter and brighter for all.

By the way new book by Marianne Williamson ‘A year of Miracles’ is published, I have yet to buy my copy but if you get it first then do read it and share your views on the blog or on emails with me. Although I am still living in the magic of The Magic, and I pray that I never ever come out of its spell.

May we all be blessed with faith, love, peace and joy.

Good Night!

Sonya Syed. (Day 467)


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