2013- in a nutshell...

A very very Happy New Year to you and your loved ones.....May God bless you all with all the health, peace & happiness.

Many apologies for not being here earlier and especially on the New Year’s Eve but what can one do when life takes you by total surprise and you look at everything in complete awe.

First of all, a huge round of applause for all my wonderful MBA students who have made me very proud this semester. All of them have performed beyond my and also their own expectations.

Sometimes we should push ourselves beyond the wildest edges of edges and challenge our self-imposed limitations. Only when you break your chains, which limits your creativity then only you would reach your desired heights.

In that sense being fearful is a good thing because when you know what your are afraid of, then only you can get the courage to move beyond it....because darr ke agay jeet hai...

This semester many of my students feared law and few believed that they can never be good at it. I just told them to be the best in whatever they do, without the compulsive need to impress anybody, rather just break your self-created barriers.

Yeh that’s true I am in a mood to really push myself beyond my comfort zone, but fear not I am not climbing Mount Everest. I only intend to do a wild huge painting, my current fascination Moulin Rouge. It is a recreation of a really famous painter Vincent Van Gough.

Please don’t get any wrong idea, that I am such a perfect painter who wants to recreate work of a genius. I am just trying to get a pirate version of the original because that is the way of learning. It is very rightly said that, ‘one is judged by the company one keeps’.

I have understood that if you need to learn anything in your life you need to learn it from the best. You see its a very simple formula, if we continuously look at something or repeat it over and over again it gets imprinted on our brains. 

So likewise if we see continuously the work of experts it is definitely going to be imprinted in our conscious and subconscious brain. Who knows we might a learn a thing or two.

I have done a colour pencil version of it but now I desire to transfer it on the canvass. Although I have taken a relatively large canvas than my usual ones and I don’t have a clue where to begin my work. That is exciting and challenging.

The best part of it all is that I don’t intend to impress anybody with my work, I just want to create and have fun with it. When I am painting I come under a lot of stress but that is my best way of escaping and distracting myself from what is going on in my mind.

I suggest that you should take up some form of creativity, it does not matter whether you are good at it or not but just do it. If you like singing, then sing in your bathroom. If you like poetry then write something, anything even if it sucks. Paint, draw, take pictures do anything but Be Creative. Create something without the fear of being liked or disliked.

The teaching semester has finally ended, results sorted and submitted and now I am all there to fully concentrate on some other professional commitments which are of highest value to me.

The nature of the current work has to be kept somewhat confidential because of the delicacies involved. It is always wise to keep professional work out of the limelight especially, the legal work. It is not about me or my personal endeavours rather professional commitments involve other people and their confidence, so they should be kept classified.  

So it is 2014 and I hope and pray that Allah bless us with another year of His Divine Blessings. Today is a very precious day of birth of our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). I always talk about love but all my love belongs to my beloved Prophet, whose love and blessings are growing stronger and stronger with every passing year.

With all the love in the world...

Sonya Syed. (Day 466)


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