Just a thought..

I wonder if this ever happened to you, that you are searching for your wallet or an important paper in your room but was unable to find it. Then you call your Mom “Ma, did you see my wallet I can’t find it in my room”.

Mom tells you to look carefully because she has kept that article in its place, nevertheless, after your recurring failure to find your desired object your Mom finally enters the room, go straight to the drawer and within blink of an eye finds your wallet.

And of course, while handing over your wallet she is going to give you a solid piece of her mind simultaneously pointing out your complete inability to ever find anything

If you observe closely you would notice that this is so true for everything in life. You see, most of the time the things/answers/ solutions we are desperately searching for are mostly right in front of our eyes; but we are unable to see them.

Same problems keep on showing up repeatedly, disturbing emotions continue to rise, and you become eager to solve situations or ignore the emotions but all in vain.

Why? Because although we are looking, yet we are not really seeing.

Have a wonderful evening!

Sonya Syed. (Day 490)


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