2016- A brand new year, a fresh start, updated resolutions, some old feelings and some new expectations. I pray from my heart that God bless this year with His divine light, so we live in peace, health, joy and wealth.

Pakistan is going through a metamorphosis, this is the time when history is being written; a time that could either make or break us. I hope we learn from our mistakes and try our best that this becomes a making moment. Political scenario is not very encouraging; everywhere we turn there is a financial scandal, corruption and terrorism news. Criminals have invented new ways of committing crime, they are sharp, tech savvy and definitely smarter than our legal system.

I am currently working on my research project about white collar crime and to be very honest I am deeply saddened by what I am learning through my research. White collar crime, ‘is a crime committed by the person of high status & respectability during the course of his occupation’. This term and theory was introduced by Edwin Sutherland in 1939, and amazingly after 77 years this category of crime is vibrantly alive and thriving.

When I started to work on my research I had no idea that I would learn so much crazy stuff about crime tactics by rich and respectable people of the society. Crime by rich are not only limited to Pakistan but the entire world especially, the developed countries are also affected.

What is most interesting that in 99% of the cases, lawbreakers don’t even realize that they are committing crimes, they simply believe that its part of work and they are only following what people before and around them did or do.

Many of my friends, teachers have showed their discontent about my research topic, that being a female I should opt for something sweet and less criminal. Of course, the rebellion in me would never listen to the world and follow her personal ambitions.

Life has changed dramatically for me this year hopefully for the best of everyone.

By the way I saw ‘Siachen’ theater play, I must say that it was brilliant. I have never seen a huge crowd laughing and crying together, at the same time. Yeh, this play takes you on an intense emotional roller coaster ride. I would recommend that all of you should see this play, at least once. It is a beautiful blend of witty dialogues by Anwar Maqsood shb., excellent performances by all new comers and love for the country.  

I had prolonged absences from the blog and I miss talking to all of you, clearing my mind and feeling lite. I am dedicated that this year I will follow the norm by maintaining  the momentum of my posts and being more regular.

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Sonya Syed. (Day 553)


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