And the journey happened...

To say something in a dream state is not a very good idea, it is always better to be fully awake and in complete awareness of our mental faculties. 

It was I think in 2007 or 2008 Umrah (Muslim religious pilgrimage) or probably on both occasions when I sat before Kaaba Muazzama, prayed, cried with all my heart for the approval of my three deepest desires. One of them was to visit Europe/ Paris or London, I wasn’t very clear but these three words were echoing in my mind. 

In 2005, when we sent our travel documents via a tour company, they were all returned to us as UK embassy was not allowing tour groups.

In 2007 when we applied directly to the embassy, our passports were amicably returned because we provided insufficient documents. It was since then my heart was burning with an intense desire but somehow nothing happened.

I always thought no prayer is ever refused when we are on the pilgrimage, so why am I unheard? 

I knew little then, that not only my cries were heard, but every prayer was accepted right that moment.

On the contrary what I lacked, was the courage to stand up for myself and my dreams, and when I stood up- really determined with every cell in my body that this time it will happen and it did.

It was only the grace of Allah, when His sanction met my will- miracles occurred. I went with my family on my first full-fledged European vacation. Although my Dad has shown me glimpses of Paris and Frankfurt much earlier, he sow the seed of travelling in my consciousness.

The reason for writing today’s post is not to merely talk about my experience but the main goal is to share with all of you the possibility of your dreams coming true- no matter how expensive or impossible they seem to you.

Combination of strong will, prayers and God’s grace can make anything possible. We just have to believe in ourselves and the power of Divine. For me, it was unimaginable to travel to so many countries in one go but it happened.

In order to get visa information we met many travel agents and every single one of them was a great disappointment. They all discouraged us that without a particular travel history it is impossible for us to get entry to any European country. However, as I stepped further helpful people started to appear, one after another. Guidance and encouragement started to come from everywhere.  

I took another step and more doors were opened, more possibilities happened. And then we got the visa, then hotels were reserved, internal travelling arrangements quickly manifested. 

Problematic people, situations, hotels were replaced with cooperative and wonderful people and situations. Angels came, they took us in the palm of their hands, showed me the world which I deeply desired to see with my family.

It was a miracle- that’s it.

I have read a lot about law of attraction, power of Now and consciousness, power of our mind and imagination- it all felt right but today I am a living example of how things can really work.

All the authors like Eckhart Tolle, Rhonda Byrne, Paulo Coehlo and many more are actually right, our minds can attract what we think and feel about. Of course, God’s grace has to be included all the way, before and after- and in between.

Many times we want so many things, or people to be in our life but nothing can happen if we are unable to really work hard to achieve all that we desire. 

There is an unnamed power and focus with which you get up one day and you say to yourself, ‘I will make it happen!’.

And never forget to envelope your prayers with huge requests for Divine forgiveness, because asking for God’s forgiveness was the main element that lacked in my prayers. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and all the Prophets before him always asked for God’s forgiveness and mercy, and if we can follow this major step of prayers then life will become a lot easier and much lighter.  

So where did we go, we started our journey from Frankfurt which lead to Amsterdam then Paris, Venice and then finally Geneva. Yet I am in love in with Karachi, my Pakistan because it has given me education, work, confidence and all the magnificent opportunities.

Thank you so much Allah for accepting my prayers and making my dreams a reality…

Some pictures of my live dream, enjoy J.

P.S. I have some really interesting stories to share of each of these places, stay tuned for inside tales of joy and

Sonya Syed, (Day 560). 

Frankfurt, view from hotel window
Lake Geneva
Bonn (please excuse the blurriness- this picture was taken from the window of a moving bus)



Anonymous said…
Seriously, You just energized my believe more in prayers with having faith in God. Thanks for the Lovely Post for us :)
Rabia khan said…
Nice blog madam..:)
Rabia khan said…
Nice blog madam..:)
Assalam o alaikum.
Intresting article and also knowledgeable.
Sonya Syed said…
Thank you very much Rabia
Sonya Syed said…
Imran, thank you so much.
Sonya Syed said…
Every time I write something and it energizes your faith, becomes interesting or knowledgeable- then the purpose of this blog is fulfilled. I thank you for taking time and reading my posts. Please do remember in your prayers :)

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