The Phenomenon of Life

First things first, thank you all for writing to me, appreciating my thoughts, theme of my blog and giving your support. Last few months have been quite heavy, with work load and sudden illness of a family member. However, Allah has been very merciful, and now the family member is doing well and is out of danger.

While in the midst many things have happened which clouded my thoughts and emotions, the gruesome and one of the most insane war in Syria has shook me to the core. Everyday people are dying for no reason, paranoid and schizophrenic world-leaders are fighting and inciting war for no purpose. Rohingyas are facing ethnic cleansing and the United Nations has become an ineffective organization.

Every time when I laugh and enjoy any moment, an unnamed gloom overshadows my joy. We all are one; the concept of universal brotherhood is there for a reason. We are all connected with each other, although many of the human species deny this fact but it is certain that pain, agony and fear in one part of the world definitely effects everyone, regardless of where we live or how different we look.

What upsets me most is the fact that I am helpless, I cannot do anything that would ease and comfort all those in pain. I, at times wish to become Superwoman, so I can fly anywhere, fight anyone and take people out of their traumatic circumstances.

A human mind struggles to find answers, as to why all this is happening? In Surah Baqarah’s last verse no. 286 Allah tells us: ‘Allah does not burden a soul more than it could be bear. And it (is only) that which the soul has earned, and against (only) that which the soul has deserved.’

If we try to analyze little Zainab and many other children who were brutally molested and then murdered, the people who were living in Myanmar and Syria, and the children who were killed in the Army School, Peshawar, in the light of this magnificent ayat- then we wonder what these souls, many of whom merely lived 6-7 years on this earth could have done to face this kind of fate. Allah said, It (is only) that which the soul has earned, and against (only) that which the soul has deserved.

This clearly means that the body we live in has a soul, then this implies, that our souls must have existed before they entered in our physical bodies. From this we could deduce, that our souls might have lived in other physical bodies before our bodies.  

And while our souls resided in those other bodies they must have done something, positive and/or negative, due to which our current physical body pays the price of those earlier deeds.  

In this regard, the work of Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Dr. Brian Weiss is worth studying. Dr. Weis is a graduate of Columbia University and holds MD from Yale Medical School, he conducts experiential workshops at national and international forums along with the training programs for professionals.

During one of his  psychotherapy session his patient started to recall her past-life traumas which were linked with her current recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. Although Dr. Weiss was initially unconvinced and skeptical, however, as the sessions with his patient progressed he realized that past-life regression therapy is a powerful therapeutic method.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sonya (Day 574).


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