Lazy Sundays
Sunday morning sets in motion a little late than usual followed by an equally belated breakfast and then lunch. The evening invites bright yellowish sun radiant in sky and its rays nourishing every being upon which its cascades itself. Karachi’s climate is changing rapidly from chilly to warmish with frequent cold breeze, warm clothing is being returned to the storage. Voices of children playing cricket outdoors instils a sense of life. Activity level gets a bit accelerated with the aroma of tea and deli in the air. Since I am not much of a tea drinker so it is not possible for me to elucidate on the qualities of tea, my forte is coffee. Although at times I only sheepishly admit my coffee drinking ritual because for some strange reason coffee is considered as an elite beverage and people assume that I am some kind of a prima donna whose tastes simply are too high to be met. Whenever I asked my Dad to bring me some coffee jars he would invariably inquire from me as to why and how I sta...