
Roman Holiday

I saw this posture of a Holloywood classic and thought I'd share it with you all. Vacations are required at the earliest. I seriously need a break, get myself recharged. I love and truly appreciate the life I have been blessed with but sometimes you just need to leave everything as it is and vanish somewhere for few days. I hope everyone at home do share my feelings and try to manage some time for a brief vacation.   Pakistan is such a beautiful country with exquisite landscapes that one really does not need to go anywhere else. Frontier and Northern areas are filled with the scenic beauty that would captivate the beholder; besides the tourism facilities these days are perfect for all the pockets. Kaghan Valley I have not been able to visit many places within Pakistan but when I saw the pictures of many people who have recently travelled domestically, I was spellbound by the magnificence of it all. Malam Jabba, Swat, Kaghan, Chitral, Nathya Gali and so m

Vote or Die !

In the last American elections, I was lucky enough to watch Oprah Winfrey Show where Oprah invited Hollywood celebrities in the pre-election season. From P. Diddy to Tom Cruise and many other celebs wore T-shirts ‘Vote or Die !’. They all said one thing that ‘if you did not come out to elect the right people to run your country, then it is better for you to die- because if you selected wrong people for this job then in any case it will kill your future.’   Now that’s what I call serious election motivation. Now back to our local front. Goodness! The silent but active fever of elections is taking over everyone and everything. There has been a series of messages on the little handy device we call ‘mobile phones’ asking the receiver to not only raise your voice through your vote but also to caste the vote for the right person. Although there are no public gatherings or huge political campaigns on the roads; nevertheless, the elections are instilling their spirit in

Life on a discount

Once more Karachi is in the easy range of crime and criminals, few days of peace and you worry what next is coming up for you to endure. Living breathing humans become number count in the headline news. People lose their lives, families lose their loved ones and all we see helplessly is the ‘strict notice’ taken by some unconcerned authority figure. Maybe my intelligence is not enough, as I always fail to fully understand the concept of this Strict Notice. I wonder why people even bother to say these two meaningless words when they cannot do anything. Sometimes it scares to see that everyone in Pakistan is at the mercy of Rs. 500 bullet. There is a limit as to when you can be in all the wishful peace state. There is a limit as to how to long one can ignore the crude reality and live in the Lala land. We as a nation have become immune after being continually traumatized on so many levels. We see small helpless children begging on the roads, and we cannot even dare to

Just a thought...

Well this is funny but today is the 420 th day of my blog, though I am around for a bit longer than this,  and I believe that there is definitely some miscalculation in the days counting. It is a long process to sift through hundreds of posts, clear out the numbering and do editing, if required. Besides the paucity of time hardly allows me to embark on such an endeavour. Parents are the true blessings of God, both mother and father have their roles and amazing place in our lives. Mothers give their time, attention, unconditional love to the child in nurturing their lives and making a family. While the father, the head of the family, the provider and the protector, works day in day out to take care of the needs of his family and to keep them all safe and well fed. Both parents ensure that their child should have all the tools and education to successfully make their way in to the world. And then one day their small babies grow up and become an adult; and so the dream