Just a thought...

Well this is funny but today is the 420th day of my blog, though I am around for a bit longer than this, and I believe that there is definitely some miscalculation in the days counting. It is a long process to sift through hundreds of posts, clear out the numbering and do editing, if required. Besides the paucity of time hardly allows me to embark on such an endeavour.

Parents are the true blessings of God, both mother and father have their roles and amazing place in our lives. Mothers give their time, attention, unconditional love to the child in nurturing their lives and making a family. While the father, the head of the family, the provider and the protector, works day in day out to take care of the needs of his family and to keep them all safe and well fed.

Both parents ensure that their child should have all the tools and education to successfully make their way in to the world.

And then one day their small babies grow up and become an adult; and so the dreams of parent also grows up. But then somewhere down the line wishes of the parent becomes an overpowering force for their children.

Parents who were unable to achieve some things in their lives start to push their children to fulfil those dreams on their behalf, believing that whatever they want is what their adult children must want too.

Thereby making their adult sons and daughters the vehicle through which they can manifest their unfulfilled desires.

And if the parents are lucky then their children quietly give themselves up to the hopes and dream of a parent. But behind this silent sacrifice there is hidden anger, pain, ill-health and lot of physical and emotional suffering which would consequently cause their child’s personal relationships to fall apart, then their lives to fall apart and ultimately they will also fall apart.

Sometimes we in our belief to do ‘what is right for my child’ over looks to what a child really wants- which is peace, love and support and not an a+ academic record, a high end job or a huge business empire.

Money is important in life but if your beloved child is neither happy nor fully alive to enjoy this luxury then what is the worth of that wealth?

May the joy be with you all!

Sonya Syed. (Day 420)


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