Election Wilection

I cannot believe it has been almost ten days since my last post, gosh! time is flying. Although I was not able to come on the blog but not a single day went by when I did not think about writing something, anything. However, the daily routine and the work schedule got so tight that by the time I had some free time on hand I did not have any energy left to concentrate, let alone write an entire post.

Elections are nearing and at this point, I want all of you to register your votes and to vote wisely. Please do not get into any family favouritism or blind idolism- elect people wisely and think for long-term.

Some of you might be promised a particular job once so and so gets into power, nevertheless, you need to remember that it is not only about you but also about your children, your future and millions of other people around you. You might get a job or a business contract but if law and order is not properly maintained, or we do not have sane foreign policies then your job or business would not be able to prosper in the long-run.

These are great times because we have seen almost every one’s efficiency and integrity, we as a nation have bore and suffered a lot in the hands of old and used people again and again. This is the time to come out of our frightened mind-sets, shallow desires and petty interests in choosing the right people through our votes, this is the time to choose for change and a new Pakistan. 

We need to keep in mind that if the country is safe then not only us but also everybody around us shall prosper.    

Somebody was saying to me, that no one in this country wants change because we as a country always elect people who are corrupt and insincere to us. Well, that might be true but my dear friend it doesn’t matter what others do because what truly matters is what we do in our individual capacities. 

We cannot force anybody to do as we like, nevertheless, we can do what is right.

All I can say is decide wisely.

Pakistan Zindabad!

Sonya. (Day 418)


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