There is God!

Everything happens for a reason and for our own good.....Today as I was plugging my PC this line was flashing  in my mind. I am now beginning to understand why our elders always say this to us.

Few days ago my Computer started to feel unwell, so I consulted couple of technicians and they all said that a certain device has broken down and it needs to be replaced. 

Yesterday in my usual haste and without taking any further advice I went to a huge computer store to buy that device. The staff at the store was impersonal and not in any mood to be cooperative, then they made me sit there for 45 minutes while their manager hopelessly searched for my particular device.

After that extra long wait they informed me that the device I require is out of stock and I have the option of purchasing another version costing almost double. Although a bit upset with their behaviour I decided not to say anything especially not to create any scene there.

I was continuously telling myself, no matter what I will not be negative. I will not allow anger or irritation to enter my energy field. I have been practicing Gratitude for quite a while so I will only be thankful for this situation.

Anyways I came to a computer store near my home from where we all buy most of our computer accessories and devices. The reason why I didn’t went to them initially was because the device I needed was out of stock at their store.

The owner who personally knows my family quickly made arrangements and I got another suitable version in 5 minutes. However, when I returned home and my technician installed the new device- he announced that my computer still has the same problem. He then diagnosed that there is some other issue with my computer.

You see the device I got was quite expensive and once we have unpacked the device then it cannot be returned. In that moment, I began to get slightly panicky because more than the money two things were circling in my mind. First, how come my intuition didn’t inform me about all this? Or probably it did but I was not paying attention.

Second, I’m strictly practicing Gratitude and it is said, ‘the more you feel Grateful for what you have the More you shall attract to be Grateful for’.

My gratitude always comes through, it cannot let me down- so what happened?

So today feeling a bit worried I went to the store to return the device and for the correct diagnosis of my Computer. To my surprise, the store manager not only quietly took back the unpacked device, refunded all my money and in few minutes replaced the digital card on my computer and that too with a discount.

In that moment it occurred to me, if I would have bought this device from that huge, impersonal and uncooperative computer store where I went initially- they would have never refunded my money let alone recognized me.

Everything happens for a reason and for our own good.  

We cannot see or touch God but it is through these million moments of our daily life where we can easily experience His presence telling us to be Grateful for what we have today- no matter what happens.

Lots of Love.

Sonya Syed. (Day 415)


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