
There are moments when you search desperately for the words of wisdom, something that could bring comfort and peace, even if it is momentarily. It is so much better that we get into denial rather than face the brutal truth. Denial keeps us in hope, hope of nirvana. However, you wonder if there is anything that could give you the ultimate happiness.

Is it possible for someone or something to give us joy? Wise people say that our true happiness lies within us so to look for it in the the outer sources can never fulfil us. In short, if we prefer to be unhappy and miserable all the time than nobody can do anything that could make us happy.

Rain has shown its surprise arrival in Karachi, although the weather is pleasant but it also feels strange. Why is such a huge climatic change taking place in this warm country? Few days ago there was a 7.9 magnitude earth quake, affected Baluchistan and gave everyone else a clear warning.

As Muslims we believe that if earth quakes, sudden rains or sectarian violence occurs in any country then this it is a sign of God’s anger for the people.

Today my brother had his presentation at the university and due to the unexpected rains everything got upset for him. As he was agitating about the whole thing, it made me think that these rains are causing distress to many people. So what is happening with us, are we getting some signs or probably warnings.

Whatever might be the case I can feel that something is happening somewhere, things are changing at some invisible level. We need to pray and pray strongly that may all these changes happen for the peace, safety and well-being of all invloved. We need to seek forgiveness and atone for our mistakes.

We need to clear our life’s black board so we can write anew.

May the joy be with you all...

Be safe!

Sonya Syed. (Day 419)


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