NA -126

It is so amazing to experience that some fresh air and an extra-strong cup of coffee can change your entire perspective on life. Today the spirit of boredom got into me, I was a bit uneasy throughout the day but as the evening approached, I was seriously bored. 
So we went out to have some coffee and oh boy, it worked like a charm. These are the million little luxuries that we can indulge into, they rejuvenate us and gives us the necessary boost to continue with life.
         Once I heard Julia Roberts’ interview where she said, ‘it is such a luxury that I have time to read a book’.  Initially I was unable to comprehend the depth of this statement but still it struck me. There are many people around us who live from one pay check to another and there are many ladies who work almost 24/7 at home taking care of family and also looking after their house with no domestic help. In the midst of all this, if one could have even little housekeeping help then it is an indulgence.
           There was a time when I easily overlooked the help and support I was receiving daily. I always believed that it is my birth-right to have all this and there is no big deal about. However, when I started to really look at my life I realized what a luxurious life I live. I have the time and opportunity to write this blog, oh I am truly blessed.
                And then I have the luxury of entertainment when day before yesterday I saw the tickers flashing on the lower side of my TV screen that our very own Meera shall be contesting elections against Imran Khan from Lahore. In that moment, my eyes were wide open as if I saw a ghost. I am never in favour of floating ultra funny jokes about Meera or her English proficiency but this is really funny.    
        To get 15 seconds of fame some people can get themselves into almost any situation. News channels are flashing this news item as if it is a new joke in town. From her infamous M-C- Donald to the videos of her interview which she conducted in English. 
       I feel sorry for Meera, she is a talented actor, but she keeps on getting involved in situations where her actions become a talk of the town.
      Whatever might be the result of the upcoming elections one thing is for sure that everybody is far more keen about the candidates rather than their winning or losing.

Have a great week..
A very Good Night!
Sonya Syed. (Day 414)


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