Life on a discount

Once more Karachi is in the easy range of crime and criminals, few days of peace and you worry what next is coming up for you to endure. Living breathing humans become number count in the headline news. People lose their lives, families lose their loved ones and all we see helplessly is the ‘strict notice’ taken by some unconcerned authority figure.

Maybe my intelligence is not enough, as I always fail to fully understand the concept of this Strict Notice. I wonder why people even bother to say these two meaningless words when they cannot do anything. Sometimes it scares to see that everyone in Pakistan is at the mercy of Rs. 500 bullet.

There is a limit as to when you can be in all the wishful peace state. There is a limit as to how to long one can ignore the crude reality and live in the Lala land. We as a nation have become immune after being continually traumatized on so many levels.

We see small helpless children begging on the roads, and we cannot even dare to imagine what sort of horrific lives they are forced to live- and yet we don’t feel anything.   

We see women being attacked by a cheap acid- and we don’t feel anything.

We hear so many things- and yet we don’t feel anything.

It is always me, my family, my money, my work, my job and never us and we. We are divided in so many ways that we do not even know the depth of it.

Everybody hates everyone else- sometimes on the basis of religious believes, or on the basis of ethnicity, and the list goes on. If the old reasons to hate somebody becomes boring then we would somehow find new reason to renew our hatred.

Forget about political figures, we at our level, cannot even tolerate the views of our family members. Hatred has become synonym for us and a great pastime.

Situations, which a country face are never separate from the thoughts and behaviours of its residents at individual levels. Maybe we as a nation are turning into depressed maniacs and what we witness outside is only the mirror reflection of our insides.  

May we all get the sanity to live like humans.....Amen!

Sonya Syed. (Day 421)

P.S. I just published the final draft of today’s blog and as you can see I ended it with anger and hatred. Nevertheless, I started to feel some discomfort as if I have left something important; that this post is incomplete and as I began to think in order to understand what I have missed a voice within me said, ‘hold on Sonya, don’t give up on Me’.

I have realized that I have thrown out my deep hidden anger and it is not going to make the situation any better.

How can anger and hatred be a healing factor? I am not here to spread hatred, many others are doing this job fantastically.

I remember being told once, ‘when you think that your prayer, faith and gratitude are not working then those are the times when you really need to hold onto them.’

It is easy to have faith in good times but it is only during the tough times that our faith is tested. It is when the rubber meets the road, it is in these moments of despair that we need to perfect our spiritual muscles. Maybe the Divine Power is telling us to take a good at ourselves.  

So rather than wasting our precious time in whining & crying, and lets...

Join in consciousness
in absolute knowing
that today is a day of miracles.

Dear God, please open my inner eye
that I might see the good in all the things,
the innocence in all people
and the love in every moment.
May my heart and mind receive and extend
Your will throughout this day.
Amen! *

 *Prayer by Marianne Williamson.


Nabeel Sheikh said…
Sonya baji i love reading your posts. Your articles are very motivating & truly inspiring

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