Ways of the heart

Thank you Mehreen Khan for all your love….

I am ecstatic, happy and grateful to Allah beyond any words. Today Mehreen Khan, one of my students of Corporate Law presented me with something very special that I have never imagined in my life to receive. This young lady presented me her love and respect.

On 5th October every year since 1998 World Teachers’ Day is celebrated, highlighting the significant role which a teacher plays in providing quality education at all levels.

And today I have been honored with my very first gift on Teachers’ Day. I have no words to explain how I felt in that moment. My student excitedly told me, ‘Ma’am you are the first person in my life to whom I have said I love you…this gift is my token of respect for you.’

Speechless and humbled with the love and honor yet at the same time felt a tinge of confidence in my heart that I have done something right. This moment is also very special because this is the first gift I received right before my birthday, which is by some mystical coincidence, is also on 5th October.

I have never thought in my wildest dreams that my life could take such dramatic turns. Here I was, with everything perfectly planned about my life and then it all changed. Where ever I am today spiritually, personally and professionally; whatever I have learned and taught; is only because long ago I gave up the idea of telling God what I want from Him.

Rather I learned another approach to live life fully and that is to ask God what does HE want me to do?

We all plan our lives according to our wishes and goals, if life goes as per your wishes be very grateful. If life does not go as per your plans then jump in joy because there is something magnificent coming your way.

The bottom line is, God knows it all. He knows how and when to give us our wishes in the shortest, quickest ways. Unfortunately we start to use our minds and give instructions to God about how our lives should or should not be.

The best to live life fully, is to allow life to flow through you. Start listening to your heart and soul because this is where your true wisdom, intuition and sixth sense resides.

Mind is a wonderful instrument if used appropriately, yet it can only process what it sees; however, your heart knows it all.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sonya Syed. (Day 493)


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