Lets talk

These days in Pakistan we are bombarded with news, on one side there is a huge debate about the Judicial Commission that has been created to analyze the elections rigging of 2013; on the other end there is a run for election of a particular seat in Karachi and then there is the unfortunate Yemen- Saudia war. Honestly, the last subject is far more painful to witness. 
Today Muslims are one of the most humiliated population in the world. Our greed, moral and financial corruption has reached new heights, it has expanded so much that we have conveniently accepted it as the norm of life.

Probably that is the reason that no amount of money suffice our needs today, we are always struggling for more and when we achieve more- we again start the process of acquiring more and more. Time has lost its vastness, years have become months, months have changed into days and days have turned into minutes.

I mean just take a good look at our lives, our finances, our relationships- they all stink. Nobody is ever happy or content with anything; everyone is complaining about something or someone. These days we are mostly miserable- fighting, accusing and blaming somebody else for all the problems in our lives. Never wanting to really look at our own behavior, because, it is easy to accuse others and not correcting ourselves.

In this worldwide  race of wealth and power, we have lost understanding of good and bad; of right and wrong. Corruption, lying and cheating are the most in-things and if someone does not have these traits they are considered idiots.

Of course we pray regularly like robots and talk about the wrath of God but we hardly take God seriously. These days God is merely a concept, sitting up there somewhere in the skies and have nothing to do with our lives.

All this is not happening automatically, there is a reason behind everything- that is, the cause and effect. Whatever is manifesting is the direct result of what we are giving individually to this world. We are the cause, each one of us independently, contributing every single second with our thoughts, feelings, actions and deeds. 

What is the solution, then? Honestly, I don't know but I think it is better to focus on the good that is remaining in our lives.  To really commit to truth and personal integrity.  To focus on the positive side of people and situations. Try to live simply without the compulsive need to impress and out perform others. 

Last but not least, become highly alert that God is not merely a concept sitting far away- rather acknowledge His presence in every moment; to realize that He is listening and watching each one of us, quietly recording with His high-tech cameras our every secret thought and action, gauging our level of faith;  and when our time shall come He would show us all our recordings on a huge 3D screen along with His personal feedback.

Have a safe and wonderful weekend…

Sonya Syed. (Day 528)


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