Wake up call!

Many prayers for the peace, comfort and security for the residents of Peshawar city who faced heavy storms; many who passed away, many who are safe and alive, who have lost their loved ones or homes, or both.  The same prayers are for all the victims of Nepal earthquake- may God show His mercy.

For Muslims it is best to pray 2 rakah Salaah for all those who died and for the safety of all of us. 

And for everyone, Muslims or non-Muslims for two minutes close your eyes and visualize pure white light being poured on the victims and affected people of both Peshawar and Nepal. Hold onto that image until you feel comfortable, and repeat it as often as possible. 

This is the most powerful peace and healing visualization that actually brings a positive shift in the situation. It can be done on anyone and anything that you want to heal and bring peace to. It could your next business meeting, exams or studies, your home, your children, your city or your country, or even the world.
Visualization is one of the greatest gift of God to mankind, and if you have faith and sincerest of intention then this visualization would accelerate the healing process. 

In the war torn countries or disturbed areas, or any kind of negativity; you can imagine a big violet/ golden egg and place that country, city or negativity within that egg. Daily visualization could prove very beneficial in removing that negativity. 

When such continuous disasters are shown to us, then it is a wake up call for everyone. To wake up and correct what we are doing wrong, because if we are alive today- then it means we still have a chance to make it right.  

With all my prayers…be safe and be compassionate!

Sonya Syed. (Day 530)


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