Thin, thin where have you been?

Finally after not trying really really hard and leaving everything as it is I am slowly coming out of my strange zone that I was living in for last few days. 

I have just ordered my new keyboard that would be arriving within couple of hours. There is a nice computer shop near my home, they are doing a great service to humanity by delivering accessories at your doorstep.

It’s not anything fancy, just a simple keyboard because the one I am currently using has lost its control, yup the control key is not working anymore, @ and “’’ have also exchanged their places.

It is such a relief of not bothering yourself or anyone else to buy anything, a phone call and life’s problem get solved instantly.

It is also true that in this fast paced world I am still stuck upon my good old fashioned PC and do not prefer to work on the laptop. First of all I really don’t understand why on earth we call it laptop; it hardly ever sits properly on the top of our laps.

At work laptop is the best choice, I have tried using it at home but even with the best of my efforts I was unable to sit anywhere and work or write blog. A proper table and a bit of private space is required, so after roaming at every possible corner I came back from where I started. A small corner, where my PC quietly sits and gives me the comfort of less movement and more concentration.

We all have our corners and comfort zones where we feel ourselves, and I believe that one should have a quiet place where things can make sense. We do not need extremely big homes to find that space rather a simple corner would do the magic. 

These days where I go and whomever I meet, I am asked the same questions/ told about the same stressful situation ....

Sonya baji, I have gained weight what should I do? Sonya, I am fat and I need to lose all of it. Sonya baji, please tell me what should I do because of domestic responsibilities I don’t get any time to exercise... I am so worried.

Sonya/ Sonya baji stands there concerned, worried about all these wonderful ladies and clueless of what to say that can ease their tension. Sonya just wishes to have the remedy that can give every women their desired weight, but before everyone else Sonya would give that antidote to herself.

Yes, this is the most common anxiety that is eating up every girl, every woman not only in Pakistan but every women in the planet is suffering from the 'thin epidemic'. We starve, we walk, we join gyms, we eat and we feel immensely guilty.

The ones with the greatest ability to starve get the desired results quickly, but there is down side with harsh dieting cum starving- you lose all the fat in body even the amount required to keep your skin fresh and youthful. You will lose energy and even the slightest of chores would drain you completely. Then there will be depression, excessive hair fall, backaches, cervical issues and of course no knee joints. Nevertheless, you will be thin.

Then there is a long route but with completely durable results. The route of balanced diet, vegetables and daily intake of one seasonal fruit. Walking for 45 minutes regularly, if possible adding gym for 3-4 days to your daily walk. Intake of controlled amount of carbohydrates (rice and roti) because carbs give you energy.

Above all an attitude when you stop bullying and harassing yourself and do not allow anybody to pressurize you; your friends, your colleagues, family members, the media or distant aunties. Healthy weight loss take years to accomplish, it is not a short computer course that is taken for six or eight months, it requires the life-long commitment to stay healthy and in good shape.

Nothing is going to happen if you start to feel the thin pressure, plus with all the anxiety and stress of gaining weight your body will start to produce excess of ‘glucocorticoid’ hormone which will result in further weight gain along with causing depression.

If you are like me whose weight goes up and down, then understand that we are all humans and a human alive body will change. We cannot fight with nature, we are what we are; what we can do is start making healthy choices- doing proper breakfast, staying away from sugar, avoid deep fried and restaurant food like sin, 8 hours sleep, peaceful mind and positive self image.

Simply accepting your state of body is very helpful; and understand that sometimes you will be thin and light, and at times you will gain weight. What is important that you keep on working, even when you are down because you are not getting your desired results.

Results will come sooner or later because nature always maintains its balance and it always respect and fulfill dedicated efforts to bring a positive change.

And the last thoughts of the day: today is the night of Mairaj, a night when Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) travelled to skies, when he saw the miracles and the truth of life and death. This is a night of prayers, a night of strengthening faith and purifying the mind, heart and the soul.  

Do remember me in your prayers on this blessed night.


Sonya Syed. (Day 532)


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