Eid Mubarak and so much more…

What could be a better way than to start my post with warm and loving wishes & many prayers for all of you. 

May Allah bless us with His divine light, guidance, love, peace, health, joy and wealth.

Many of you have already celebrated first day of Eid and for people on my side of globe will celebrate today and also tomorrow. Wherever you are my wishes for all you shall remain the same.

Eid in Karachi, especially chand raat (a day before Eid) is the most enjoyable- sometimes more than the Eid day. Many of the Karachites spend chand raat shopping, window shopping, ladies waiting in long waiting lines for henna, last moment salon calls and of course the dresses- which by the way are never ready on time. Husbands or brothers are continuously visiting tailors to get the dresses and every time master sahib (the tailor) gives them a highly logical answer to get extra fifteen minutes until the dresses are finally done.  

Every Eid I promise myself that this time I would not visit any mall or shop on chand raat or the day before- but contrary to my resolutions I always end up wandering chaotically in the mall.

And then comes the Eid day which start quite early with a panic to get ready for the Eid prayers, the wondrous sheer qorma, some brief family gatherings later to be followed by dinners or lunches. And the discussion is incomplete until Moms are mentioned, they give their best and all of their remaining energy in cooking and attending family, visiting relatives and friends.

I am proud to be a Muslim and I thank Allah for giving me Pakistan, a country where I learned values, morals, the art of living in a family, togetherness and traditions. It breaks my heart when I see the state of this country and how its citizens are being high jacked by few powerful people who are successfully spreading hatred and differences, corrupting the system, creating injustice, looting our money, depriving our children from true knowledge of Islam and education.

This is the time that we ask – no beg Allah for His forgiveness and mercy, because none of this is happening without a reason. This situation is merely the effect, the cause lies somewhere else. It lies with all of us, both individually and collectively. We are doing something, at some level very incorrect and improper because of which we are suffering.

I always believed that I have not committed any major sins, except few times when I gossiped, so why am I suffering with everyone else in this country. Why aren’t we all happy and prosperous, and if somebody is in problem then-why am I suffering?

You know I always received whatever I prayed for, but it was of mediocre quality. My wishes and prayers were heard but I didn’t receive the high quality of my wishes which I was praying for, sometimes I didn’t even get what I prayed for. 

See it was like, that I worked hard and studied for an A+ but all I got was passing marks or a C grade.

And after years of struggling with the situation, I finally asked this question in my prayers. 

And then I believe that an answer came. In my heart, I had this thought that I never really focused on Astagfar (forgiveness from Allah).

I hardly ever did tasbeehs of Astagfar, because I thought that I haven’t committed any major sins. And that was my mistake. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)  and all other Prophets before him  routinely did Astagfar. Every Prophet was the purest and most beloved creation of God, then why did they ask Allah for forgiveness day and night.

You know why, because they understood something- that forgiveness and mercy of Allah lightens our spirit, comforts the mind and heart, so the body becomes peaceful.

So the moment I understood the real idea behind Astagfar, I only focus on it. I thank Allah for everything and then concentrate fully on asking forgiveness.  That’s all the praying I do, is to ask for His mercy and forgiveness.

This is my lesson on the Ramadan of 2016.

May you all have beautiful Eid…

Sonya Syed. (Day 559)


Anonymous said…
May your all prayers and wishes come true. Happy Eid Day!!

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