

It is heartbreaking when one is unable to help or guide a person who is in need of your guidance but due to certain circumstances one is abstained from extending a helping hand.   Something of the like happened with me and all I was able to do is be nice to her. Life at times drags in you such situations when you are equipped to guide and support but you are left helpless. So I pray that she gets the best of guidance and support.   If you cannot help anybody then at least be polite about it. I believe even if you cannot physically help somebody then let your intentions be compassionate because kind intentions can reach faster than physical actions. As I was returning with a heavy heart from emailing her my reply I saw something; a direction for myself. For months I have been searching internet for a particular program but was unable to find anything matching up with my requirements. Now there it was out-of-the-blue right in front of me, a program which exactly matches

Day 246

I felt better in the morning when everything seemed to have settled down a bit and now there are disturbances in the city taking lives of innocent people. What can one say or do except becoming the silent witness. Pray, yes that can be done. Prayers and many prayers to bring sanity and peace to this beautiful city. At home although things are better yet my aunt is still going through the high and lows of fever. Doctors initially diagnosed it to be malaria, as I also wrote in my yesterday’s post but even with that treatment fever is still coming with breaks. It is a viral infection they say however, the type and extent is yet to be seen in the following days. I hope things to get better both internally and externally. With November soon exiting, now we feel a bit chilled weather but it is not cold enough to get covered up in woolies or sweaters. With winter comes the roasted peanuts sold in hand-carts near every residential vicinity. The idea of getting under woolies an


I tried to write yesterday’s post but was simply unable to do so. A family member, my aunt has fallen ill with high fever which has now been diagnosed as malaria. For couple of days she had fever with no other symptoms so we had to watch before starting any focused medication. Between looking after her and doing daily chores there was just no time left to come on blog. Allhumdolillah she is doing better now. So I get in a better state of mind to focus and then there is a proposition these days to move towards challenge driven ventures. I hesitate but at the same time I feel that it is the requirement of this moment and so it must be fulfilled fully. There are quite a few queries from many quarters to know in detail about reiki and the concept of aura. Both are huge subjects and require great depth; however, I shall try my best to explain as precisely as I could. Till last year I had no idea what reiki was, until I went to Dr. Zainab Bhaiji for my writer’s cramp and to

Day 244

I write in early today because I think it is better to write whenever I get time during the day; in the late evening hours energy is often exhausted. Brinjal / eggplant (began) slightly fried in chickpea flour (besan) is amazing with boiled rice and pulses, our staple diet. Managing work from home gives advantage of eating a proper lunch. Although when I work at office far from home the option of lunch is always there, but either the food available has fried items in the menu or if something is taken from home it is anything but rice. Quite a few times at work I gave in to the temptation of having biryani only to struggle afterwards with drowsiness.  Those wonderful carbohydrates in rice not only relaxes but make me very sleepy and if there is a meeting immediately after lunch I always  apprehend falling asleep in the midst of the meeting.  Sometimes I did sleep but with open eyes and every now and then during the meeting I would ask either a smart or a dumb question, depend

Global warming, myth or reality?

I returned to the blog after a bit of gap but it was essential. Coming day after another drains one of topics; I prefer to write when posts come to me fluently. On the other hand if I have to think hard before writing then this a sign for me to stop, rest, recuperate and return only when there is a natural flow. If in future my posts are not published for few days, then it is merely my resting time only return with a fresh mind. Today there are two separate posts one named Sarwana Cottage and this one. Many times I heard about global warming or green houses but never paid any heed nor tried to understand it and thought that it was not my problem. But as I heard some people talking about it I paid attention. So what is global warming by the way? Well as I understood it, it is a straightforward concept. The carbon dioxide (CO2) present in the air from power plants, our fridges, air conditioners, cars, pollution, and various other sources get absorbed in the seas

Sarwana Cottage

First of all, thank you so much for your interest in my blog and second I apologize for not being able to respond to your interests about Sarwana Cottage in my earlier post “F.R.I.E.N.D.S”. For ages humans have been intrigued by the idea of supernatural entities, ghosts or spirits and it is this curiosity which leads them sometimes to actually experiencing these phenomenon. However, mostly our mind due this natural curiosity tends to see or hear things which are not there.  (I would like to clarify that I am not a professional ghost hunter and many years ago on hearing so much about Sarwana Cottage I went there with my friend for fun purpose only. However, looking back I think it was very stupid of us to visit such places as we could have ended up in dire consequences because more than the ghosts’ humans with criminal minds are dangerous these days. The risks involved were incredibly high for going alone like that, we did not inform nor had any adults with us when we went


You prepare yourself, move everything out of the way and design your entire day keeping in mind one important task. Then as you are all set to perform the task you come to know that it has been postponed. I don’t about all of you but I get a headache to have all my energies wasted for nothing. Throughout the afternoon I was feeling terrible because I missed out a meeting. Just few minutes earlier I took a tiny pinch of salt, ate a fruit, rolled the golf ball between both my palms (to activate pressure points on my hands) and to my surprise the intensity of headache is significantly reduced. Now I merely have a little sensation on the forehead and that is bearable. I guess the sodium and chloride in salt balanced the electrolytes of my brain. Anyways the task left out today is planned for tomorrow and I hope that it goes well. (People suffering from hypertension should consult their physician first if they can have tiny pinch of salt occasionally for serious headaches or migr