Global warming, myth or reality?

I returned to the blog after a bit of gap but it was essential. Coming day after another drains one of topics; I prefer to write when posts come to me fluently. On the other hand if I have to think hard before writing then this a sign for me to stop, rest, recuperate and return only when there is a natural flow. If in future my posts are not published for few days, then it is merely my resting time only return with a fresh mind.

Today there are two separate posts one named Sarwana Cottage and this one.

Many times I heard about global warming or green houses but never paid any heed nor tried to understand it and thought that it was not my problem. But as I heard some people talking about it I paid attention.

So what is global warming by the way? Well as I understood it, it is a straightforward concept. The carbon dioxide (CO2) present in the air from power plants, our fridges, air conditioners, cars, pollution, and various other sources get absorbed in the seas and oceans. A decade ago scientists believed it was good that we didn’t have to inhale all that carbon dioxide but more recently the levels of CO2 has increased to such levels that it has changed the sea chemistry, and this was alarming. Hence the issue of global warming began budding up.

Although many people still think it to be a far fetched idea but when we look around the pollution and weather changes around us we simply cannot ignore global warming and deny this issue by sweeping the dust under the carpet and pretend it not to be there.

So what does global warming have to do with us. Well to start with, if the sea chemistry changes glaciers, snow and ice will start to melt. Then many species of both land and sea will start to die leaving us with a misbalanced ecosystem and ‘dead seas’.

Consequently there would be strong heat waves and weather changes across the globe and this is exactly what we are experiencing now. Besides there would be increased flooding, and due to increase in global temperature the agricultural produce will be lessened resulting in malnutrition and its health impacts. 

We have the data, so now the question is what we can do. The situation is alarming nevertheless, the good news is that it is not too late and by taking some simple steps we can contribute our bit. The whole point is energy conservation. Simple steps like:
  •  Switch off the lights or air conditioners when you are not in the room. 
  • Unplug—Believe it or not, we spend more money on electricity to power devices when off than when on. Televisions, stereo equipment, computers, battery chargers and a host of other gadgets and appliances consume more energy when seemingly switched off, so unplug them instead. 
  • Fossil fuel such as petroleum, coal, or natural gas, and then using it as fuel. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are generated by burning fossil fuels. If you are buying a new car get one that will last the longest and have the least impact on the environment. Thus, a used vehicle with a hybrid engine offers superior fuel efficiency over the long haul while saving the environmental impact of new car manufacture. 
  • Avoid keeping Televisions, stereo equipment, computers on standby mode.
  • Plants and trees absorb carbon naturally as they grow. So plant trees and grow house plants as much as possible can. 
  • Change the old incandescent light-bulbs to energy savers (compact fluorescents) that could save billions of kilowatt-hours.
    Above all spread the word, learn about this subject and talk to your friends, family and colleagues about global warming.

I know that this is not like our usual chat on the blog but I needed to discuss this with you all, so thank you for bearing with me.

Sonya. (Day 243)


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