
It is heartbreaking when one is unable to help or guide a person who is in need of your guidance but due to certain circumstances one is abstained from extending a helping hand. 

Something of the like happened with me and all I was able to do is be nice to her. Life at times drags in you such situations when you are equipped to guide and support but you are left helpless. So I pray that she gets the best of guidance and support. 

If you cannot help anybody then at least be polite about it. I believe even if you cannot physically help somebody then let your intentions be compassionate because kind intentions can reach faster than physical actions.

As I was returning with a heavy heart from emailing her my reply I saw something; a direction for myself. For months I have been searching internet for a particular program but was unable to find anything matching up with my requirements. Now there it was out-of-the-blue right in front of me, a program which exactly matches up what I need.

Sorry I am being hazy with the details but until I get everything finalized I shall keep it in under covers.

The zeal of going to gym has been lessened these days although tomorrow I have all the intentions to continue with weight loss journey. One thing I have noticed and that is after you start focusing on your health weight takes up secondary status and the priority falls on feeling good and maintaining a routine. Beside the guilt of skipping a day of exercise is too much of a burden to bear.

Morning are always well spent with lots of activity but as the dusk evening enters quietly in the environs of home the silence and lessened movement could become daunting to endure. In evening, downstairs everybody gets busy with their work, TV and life and upstairs I am all alone with Amma gone to clinic.

To some this silence is most rejuvenating because they have a quite space to just be themselves. However, to others when they have excess of this silence it is not easy to handle. Gladly now I have a company so I am going to be chatting a bit with my guest.

So Good Evening and have a wonderful week.

Sonya. (Day 247)


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