

It is considered a blessing to be given some time alone to think, to analyze of what is there or what is not there. Although quite contrary to the common belief that I am a habitual thinker, I am not.   Nevertheless, once you have ridden the horse of presence you cannot be lost in thoughts because your mental wiring has changed to such a great extent that it is difficult to be lost in thoughts anymore.   Thoughts or thinking are the main cause of human suffering. If you notice your mind and thoughts you will realize that our mind is actually working in two modes, one in the past and second in the future.   The past can be an hour ago, two days ago or even twenty years ago and we are constantly thinking about things that did or did not happened to us, what somebody said or didn’t say to us. Sometimes when we have an argument, its film keeps on playing in our mind for days, even though that event has subsided. Or there could be some collection of our memories which just ke


I was thinking continuously about the beginning of today’s post and then I had a feeling to write exactly what I feel. Well, that would be dangerous and might cause a stir, therefore it is wise to take a diplomatic route and then see where it goes. Sometimes you plan about your life meticulously, figure out each and every detail and then move ahead to make all dreams a reality. And then comes a sudden detour and you are required to use emergency brakes, to stop. Of course this is the moment when you look desperately in all directions in search for answers, reasons. In such moments all we can do is wait with patience and faith, accepting whatever it is, because life throws at us all the experiences we need in order to become a better version of ourselves. What I am trying to say that in our life everything does not go as per our wishes. There will be detours, sudden brakes, highs and lows and in the midst of all this we need to build our faith, work with immense gratitude f

Get Over It!

I know this is not my usual time to write blog, but here I am. Just returned from a beautiful wedding and had a wonderful time with even more wonderful people; so feeling quite energetic and decided to say what I wanted say. Today met some true Pakistanis who are doing a commendable job in the famous desert area of Sindh, Thar. Thar is mostly famous for its most intriguing deserts but this time it has become far more popular due to the gross suffering of its people. We always hear that there is shortage of water in Thar; however, these days the condition has gone from bad to worse. Thar is an area which does not see much of the rain and when there is rainfall people stalk water in wells. The unfortunate situation is that the water that is stored in those wells become contaminated with fungus, paramecium and frogs making it unusable let alone undrinkable. Yet people along with animals from all nearby villages drink that contaminated water. With the passage of tim

Human tendencies

It is such a wonderful tendency in us human beings that no matter how positive things are going on with us, it just takes a slightly negative incident happening around us and we are miserable and ungrateful. If you are single, you feel miserable and want to get married, yet once married your spouse or in-laws become your misery. If one does not have children then it is the cause of depression but once children are there, they become a problem. If you do not have any work then that’s a misery yet once you get work then work itself becomes a problem. A friend once said, if someone is earning 20,000 they are unhappy; if someone is   earning 2,00,000 then also they are unhappy and if somebody is earning 25,00,0000 still they are unhappy. So the constant here is, our misery and unhappiness . Irrespective of our personal life or financial status, we are always unhappy and complaining of what is lacking. A thankful person is thankful under all circumstances. A compl


What an exceedingly exciting day I had, from the start till the end there was so much going around that I couldn’t understand what exactly is happening. Yeh, I know its a very confusing start for the post; nevertheless, bear with me because this is what I exactly feel. A month ago I went for lunch with some family friends, it was really lovely to hang out with some wonderful uncles and aunties. Everything was simply delightful. So today, I decided to recapture the same feeling by having a meal in the same restaurant, yet this time everything appeared dull. I wondered what happened because the food, atmosphere and even coffee was the same yet it was not fun today. Then it struck me that it was never the ambiance or food which gave me those pleasant feelings but the gathering of those absolutely wonderful people who were the source of joy. We can get best of the best with money, however, money or luxury is not the replacement of people.  If you are unable to s

Q & A with Sonya

What is life? Why am I here? Do I have some purpose? These are the questions we often ask ourselves either when we have achieved all our material desires or when we have failed in some big way. Or we could be in the prime of our time or might have seen many decades of our lives. Whatever might be the cause or whatever might be the time for asking these questions; each one of us sooner or later would want to find out the answers to these questions. There was uneasiness in me for the last few days, I felt very heavy in the head, in my cervical and was quite lethargic. At first I related all this to the current situation of work at home and exhaustion caused by it. Yet it seemed incomplete, that something was missing in the puzzle. I was looking at everyone and everything to find out the possible cause of my physical and mental discomfort. With all the above going in my reality, a subtle sensation crossed my mind and I decided to keep a free healing session at