
I was thinking continuously about the beginning of today’s post and then I had a feeling to write exactly what I feel. Well, that would be dangerous and might cause a stir, therefore it is wise to take a diplomatic route and then see where it goes.

Sometimes you plan about your life meticulously, figure out each and every detail and then move ahead to make all dreams a reality. And then comes a sudden detour and you are required to use emergency brakes, to stop. Of course this is the moment when you look desperately in all directions in search for answers, reasons.

In such moments all we can do is wait with patience and faith, accepting whatever it is, because life throws at us all the experiences we need in order to become a better version of ourselves.

What I am trying to say that in our life everything does not go as per our wishes. There will be detours, sudden brakes, highs and lows and in the midst of all this we need to build our faith, work with immense gratitude for what we have and then we shall realize that even though God does not work on our timetable yet whatever He has in store for us is definitely phenomenal.

There was a point in my life when I was disillusioned because none of my wishes were manifested and today when I look back, I am immensely grateful that they didn’t. Why? because if I were to be given what I wished, I would not be able to handle it. I did not have the ability to realize the depth of my blessings.

It is only when you can truly appreciate the gifts and blessings which you have been given would lead to a doorway to your magnificent life.

May you all live in peace & blessings.

Sonya Syed. (Day 475)



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