
It is considered a blessing to be given some time alone to think, to analyze of what is there or what is not there. Although quite contrary to the common belief that I am a habitual thinker, I am not.
Nevertheless, once you have ridden the horse of presence you cannot be lost in thoughts because your mental wiring has changed to such a great extent that it is difficult to be lost in thoughts anymore.
Thoughts or thinking are the main cause of human suffering. If you notice your mind and thoughts you will realize that our mind is actually working in two modes, one in the past and second in the future.
The past can be an hour ago, two days ago or even twenty years ago and we are constantly thinking about things that did or did not happened to us, what somebody said or didn’t say to us. Sometimes when we have an argument, its film keeps on playing in our mind for days, even though that event has subsided. Or there could be some collection of our memories which just keeps on playing in our mind like an old record on a gramophone.
Then there are future thoughts, based on what we fear might happen or what we wish would happen. If the future thoughts are pleasant then we are happy and if we worry about anything in our future then we get anxious.
So we are either in the past or in future but never in the present moment, Now. Now is this moment, when you are reading these lines, this instant second.
Some of my friends would say, what thoughts? I don’t think that much. This statement can be true to most us as we don’t even know that our mind is consumed by thoughts.
However, if you pay close attention to what is going on in your mind right now you would realize that although you are reading this post, but at the same time you are also thinking about the work that should be done after reading this post, like getting ready for tomorrow day at office, or eating dinner, or calling a friend or asking your child about her homework. Something is always going on besides what you are doing.
Nevertheless, the problem with constant thinking is that whatever you think will happen to you in reality. You see, thoughts have energy and when you focus all your thoughts on something it will start to manifest. If your thoughts have emotions then my friend, you have added turbo boost to manifestation.
You must have noticed that when you complain about traffic jams, you mostly end up in more traffic jams. The people who complain about their minor illnesses are always in some kind of illness. On the other hand, people who talk about prosperity and positivity are always prosperous.
This is no magic but the simple physics law that Newton informed us, ‘to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction’.
However, once you start to become an observer of your thoughts and emotions, they lose their energy. The more aware you are of what thoughts are playing in your mind over and over again, more present you become.
Another short cut is to take 3 deep breaths, in fact make it a practice. Anytime during the day close your eyes for few seconds and take three deep breathes, as you inhale and exhale feel the air moving in and out. Do it now.
Notice of how quickly you are relaxed to the point of feeling sleepy. Congratulations, you have just experienced Consciousness/ Presence/ Awareness/ Present Moment {NOW} and each lead to peace.
If you are ever bombarded by emotions or painful thoughts or hectic chores, just take a deep breath.
Have a wonderful week.
Sonya Syed. (Day 476)


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