Q & A with Sonya

What is life? Why am I here? Do I have some purpose?

These are the questions we often ask ourselves either when we have achieved all our material desires or when we have failed in some big way. Or we could be in the prime of our time or might have seen many decades of our lives.

Whatever might be the cause or whatever might be the time for asking these questions; each one of us sooner or later would want to find out the answers to these questions.

There was uneasiness in me for the last few days, I felt very heavy in the head, in my cervical and was quite lethargic. At first I related all this to the current situation of work at home and exhaustion caused by it. Yet it seemed incomplete, that something was missing in the puzzle.

I was looking at everyone and everything to find out the possible cause of my physical and mental discomfort.

With all the above going in my reality, a subtle sensation crossed my mind and I decided to keep a free healing session at home for my domestic helpers twice or thrice in a month. It was a simple intention I made.

Today the lady who comes to help us for the house work came to my mom and asked for some medical advice. Then she hesitantly informed us, she is not feeling well and has severe pain and discomfort in her entire body, especially her cervical.

I did the healing session with her and during the session I suddenly started to feel better. I felt as if my lethargy, my heaviness in the head and cervical was gradually leaving me.

In that very moment it hit me by the speed of lightening that, I was not healing her but I was actually healing myself. After our session she was relaxed, and peaceful and  showered me with tons of blessings.

And then, I realized that whatever we do to others, we do it to ourselves; because we all are one.

All the different parts of the puzzle started to come closer and I saw a clear picture and some possible explanation to our first three questions.

What is life?

Answer: Life is love, peace, joy, health & prosperity.

Why am I here?

Answer: To Eat, Pray, Love & be very Grateful for what you have now.

Do I have some purpose?

Answer: Our purpose is to heal, to become a source of peace & joy for ourselves and to everyone around us.

Healing is not limited to a medical check up or a reiki session. Healing goes beyond this, it means to make things better than they were, to restore, to repair anything or anyone to their natural healthy state of being.

If you are working in the HR department of a company then you are becoming a channel for placing right people in the right place and for taking care of other employees. If you are a lawyer then you are helping your client to come out of the messy state he/she is in.

So in any role that you are fulfilling in this world whether of a partner, a parent, employee or employer this is all that there is.

Having said that, we need to be absolutely clear on the fact that one should never extend healing to another without their wish because we all have our own ways to survive and thrive in this world. Therefore, if the healing we are offering to someone is in conflict with their surviving mechanism it will be rejected and if it is supporting that particular mechanism it shall be accepted.    

People travel to and live for decades in Himalayas, monasteries and ashrams to find answers to these allegedly intricate questions, and look how easily I recognized the answers right here in my home without any travelling.

The reason being that all the answers which we look for on the outside are interestingly already present within us, in this moment right now.

All that I wrote here is my version of those questions, you might have your own answers and version of this story. And this is the actual journey where we all find our own answers.

Cheers to all the questions & answers you find.

My love to all.

Sonya Syed. (Day 471)


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